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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 112

A Naturalist and His Artists: Daniel Giraud Elliot exhibition photographic slides

Identifier: PSC 103C
Scope and Contents

Views of the temporary exhibition A Naturalist and His Artists: Daniel Giraud Elliot, held at the American Museum of Natural History, 1973-1974. Includes museum vistors looking at displays and reading wall text.

Dates: 1973

Africa: Exploration and Expedition exhibition photographic slides

Identifier: PSC 613F
Scope and Contents

Views of the temporary exhibition, Africa: Exploration and Expedition, held at the American Museum of Natural History, 1998, Library Gallery. Includes rare books, artifacts, portraits, and maps as well as items from the Chapin Lang Congo Expedition 1909-1915. Curated by Roscoe Thompson, then Assistant Director of Library Services.

Dates: 1998

African Peoples Hall photographic slide collection

Identifier: PSC 9
Scope and Contents

American Museum of Natural History Hall of African Peoples.

Dates: undated

African Reflections: Art from Northeastern Zaire exhibition photographic slides

Identifier: PSC 103G
Scope and Contents

Views of the temporary exhibition African Reflections: Art from Northeastern Zaire, held at the American Museum of Natural History, 1990-1991. Includes artifacts in display cases and wall graphics.

Dates: circa 1990

Amazon Portrait: Indios e Caboclos exhibition photographic slides

Identifier: PSC 102G
Scope and Contents

Views of the temporary exhibition Amazon Portrait: Indios e Caboclos, held at the American Museum of Natural History. The exhibition displayed 50 photographs capturing the centuries-old lifestyle of the Amazon's Tapirapé Indians, highlighting the work of Charles Wagley.

Dates: circa 1993

Amazon Portrait: Indios e Caboclos exhibition photographic slides

Identifier: PSC 157B
Scope and Contents

Views of the temporary exhibition Amazon Portrait: Indios e Caboclos, held at the American Museum of Natural History. The exhibition displayed 50 photographs capturing the centuries-old lifestyle of the Amazon's Tapirapé Indians, highlighting the work of Charles Wagley.

Dates: 1993 April 29

Amber: Window to the Past photographic slides of exhibition

Identifier: PSC 50-51
Scope and Contents

Slides of the temporary exhibit Amber: Window to the Past, held at the American Museum of Natural History, 1996-1997. The exhibit displayed a re-creation of a 23 to 30 million-year-old Dominican amber forest. Gallery 3. PSC 50 contains images of the exhibit being constructed and installed. PSC 51 contains images from the finished exhibition.

Dates: 1996-1997

American Museum of Natural History Bird Halls photographic slides, 1949, undated.

Identifier: PSC 14

Slides of the American Museum of Natural History Bird halls including Whitney Hall Birds of Pacific and Conservation Group from the Roosevelt Hall. Images from dioramas. Captions describe bird names and AMNH hall location.

Dates: 1949, undated

American Museum of Natural History Fossil Halls construction photographic slides, circa 1990-1992.

Identifier: PSC 29

Slides from the AMNH Hall of Extinct Mammals and other exhibits in the dinosaur halls under construction.

Dates: circa 1990-1992

American Museum of Natural History miscellaneous photographic slides

Identifier: PSC 661
Scope and Contents Various photographs of temporary and permanent exhibitions at the AMNH. Mostly for a slide presentation shown at a Board Meeting held September 1991. Also includes images from the North American Ethnology collections storage taken by Paul Beelitz and other Science department collection storage areas, copy photographs of Patagonia, group photographs of the Exhibition Department taken in Spring 1979, and aerial views of the museum. Permanent halls include the Roosevelt Rotunda, Akeley Hall of...
Dates: Majority of material found within circa 1970s-2000s

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  • Names: American Museum of Natural History X
  • Subject: Museum exhibits X
  • Subject: Museum exhibits -- Photographs X

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Dinosaurs -- Exhibitions 4
Wildlife photography -- Competitions 3
Antarctica 2
Indians of North America 2
Indians of South America -- Brazil -- Xingu River Valley 2
∨ more
Kwakiutl art 2
Museum visitors 2
Scientific expeditions -- Exhibitions 2
Tapirapé Indians 2
Waura Indians 2
Waura art 2
Amber 1
Animals -- Brazil 1
Animals, Fossil 1
Antarctica -- Discovery and exploration -- British 1
Art, Congolese (Democratic Republic) 1
Art, Mangbetu 1
Art, Zande 1
Asmat (Indonesian people) 1
Bears 1
Body art 1
Butterflies -- Exhibitions 1
Clothing and dress -- Saudi Arabia -- Exhibitions 1
Cockroaches 1
Cyprus -- Antiquities 1
Diamonds -- Exhibitions 1
Dinosaurs 1
Dinosaurs -- Art 1
Eciton 1
Endangered species 1
Endangered species -- North America -- Exhibitions 1
Global warming 1
Huaca Rajada Site (Sipán, Peru) -- Exhibitions 1
Indian goldwork -- Peru 1
Iran 1
Jumbo (Elephant) -- Exhibitions 1
Jurassic Park (Motion picture) 1
Kwakiutl Indians -- Rites and ceremonies 1
Lunar eclipses 1
Lunar mineralogy 1
Mochica Indians -- Antiquities -- Exhibitions 1
Mochica Indians -- Kings and rulers -- Exhibitions 1
Mongolia 1
Moon 1
Mural painting and decoration -- New York (State) -- New York 1
National parks and reserves -- United States -- Exhibitions 1
Natural history -- Cuba -- Exhibitions 1
Natural resources -- United States -- Exhibitions 1
Naturalists -- Exhibitions 1
Okavango River Delta (Botswana) -- Pictorial works 1
Pacific Islanders 1
Papua New Guinea 1
Papua New Guinea -- Exhibitions 1
Peking man 1
Peru -- Antiquities 1
Peru -- Antiquities -- Exhibitions 1
Photography -- Exhibitions 1
Plants -- Brazil 1
Potlatch -- British Columbia 1
Pterosauria -- Exhibitions 1
Puppet plays, Asian -- Exhibitions 1
Sculpture, Ijo -- Exhibitions 1
Sharks -- Exhibitions 1
Sipán (Peru) -- Antiquities -- Exhibitions 1
Solar eclipses 1
Space flight 1
Tibetans 1
Time capsules -- New York (State) -- New York 1
Totem poles 1
Wood-carving, Asmat -- Exhibitions 1
∧ less
Photo Studio 107
Finnin, Denis 31
Beckett, J. (Jackie) 25
Chesek, Craig 13
Theodore Roosevelt Hall of Biodiversity 4