Photographic Print Collection
Found in 345 Collections and/or Records:
Central Asia anthropological photographs
Photographs mainly of women making cloth with looms or spinning yarn.
Central Asiatic expedition field photographs
Field photographs from the Central Asiatic Expedition. Includes dozens of loose photographs; one container with three oversize panoramic prints.
Central Asiatic expedition geology negative albums
Empty negative albums, contain negative numbers with no prints or negatives.
Central Asiatic expedition scrapbook photographs
Photographs originally included in an album given to the U.S. Geographic Survey by F.B. Butler. Returned to the AMNH April 1991.
Frank M. Chapman Colombian Expedition field photographs
This collection documents the first of a series of expeditions conducted and managed by AMNH Ornithologist, Frank M. Chapman. The study was one of the first to study elevational differences in bird species.
Charles Knight illustration collection
Charles Knight illustrations, including wollymammouth, megacerous, teleocerous, metamynadon
Charles L. Bernheimer field photograph collection
Field photographs mainly of Bernheimer's eight expeditions to the Southwest. These photographs encompass a range of subject matter consisting mostly of landscapes (especially the Rainbow Bridge), indigenous peoples, expedition members, and encampments. Includes manuscript, "Descriptive Notes to Accompany photographs of Tropical Fruits and Plants."
Charles Tobach photographs of opening of animal behavior/Hunter College Teaching and Research Laboratories
Photos from the opening of Animal Behavior/Hunter College Teaching and Research Laboratories.
Chicago World's Fair anthropological photograph
One photograph from the Northwest Coast exhibition.
Children's camp and circus scene photographs
Photographs of camping activities and of the circus. Circus photos credited to the Ringling Bros. Circus and the New York Public Library.