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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 527

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of Fine Art collection

Identifier: PSC 46
Scope and Contents Slides of fine art sculptures and paintings held in the American Museum of Natural History. Artwork includes Andy Warhol "Endangered Species" (1983) silkscreens, De Lazslo portrait (1908) of Theodore Roosevelt, Roy Chapman Andrews portrait by Charles Arthur Rose (1937), Williams C. Whitney bust"Moquin Prayer for Rain" sculpture by H. A. MacNeill"Theodore Roosevelt as a Rough Rider" by Frederick MacMonnies, portraits of Childs Frick, Morris K. Jesup and others. Three watercolors by Louis...
Dates: circa 1980s-1990s

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of gem and mineral specimens

Identifier: PSC 627C
Scope and Contents

Studio photographs of gem and mineral specimens.

Dates: 1996

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of Guyana, Brazil, Venezuela, and the Amazon, undated.

Identifier: PSC 8

Duplicate slides made from hand-colored lantern slides of field photographs of the Amazon circa 1927.

Dates: undated

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of logos, undated.

Identifier: PSC 590B

Photographs of AMNH logo, reared skeleton of horse and man, in red and black and white.

Dates: undated

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of Movable Museum

Identifier: PSC 587A
Scope and Contents

Photographs of the Movable Museum bus in front of the AMNH entrance on 77th Street.

Dates: 1998 March

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of museum visitors, 1992.

Identifier: PSC 584B

Photographs of school students and adults visiting the Fossil Hall, the African elephants in the Hall of African Mammals, and Native Americans at the AMNH.

Dates: 1992

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of old restaurant demolition

Identifier: PSC 611C
Scope and Contents

Photographs taken in the AMNH Courtyard of the old restaurant demolition.

Dates: 1998 July 21

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of Siberian drums and sticks, undated.

Identifier: PSC 526A

Studio photographs of Siberian drums and sticks from the AMNH Department of Anthropology. Artifacts collected by Berthold(?) Laufer, Waldemar Jochelson, and Waldemar Bogoras. Groups include Nanai, Koryak, Even, Chukchi, Yukaghir, and Yakut.

Dates: undated

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of the Barosaurus model

Identifier: PSC 317
Scope and Contents

Photographs of the Barosaurus mount in the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda. Includes images under construction and after construction.

Dates: circa 1990s

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of the Central Park West entrance, 1998-1999.

Identifier: PSC 587B

Photographs of mostly banners displayed on the Central Park West entrance of the museum. Also includes barosaurus decorations.

Dates: 1998-1999

Filtered By

  • Repository: Museum Archives at the Gottesman Research Library X
  • Subject: Photographic Slide Collection X

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Additional filters:

Museum exhibits -- Photographs 121
Travel photography 66
Nature photography 16
Mexico 13
Flowers 10
∨ more
Insects 10
Africa 8
Animals 8
Birds 8
Dinosaurs -- Exhibitions 8
Indians of North America 7
Zoo animals 7
Animals -- Africa 6
Marine invertebrates 6
North America 6
Wildlife photography 6
Kwakiutl art 5
National parks and reserves -- North America 5
Scientific expeditions 5
Bimini Islands (Bahamas) 4
Chichén Itzá Site (Mexico) 4
Egypt 4
Fishes 4
India 4
Indians of North America -- Southwest, New 4
Iran 4
Museums -- Educational aspects 4
National parks and reserves -- United States 4
Peru 4
Reptiles 4
Snakes 4
Alaska 3
Animals -- North America 3
Antarctica 3
Arizona 3
Art, Prehistoric -- Europe 3
Ethiopia 3
Frogs 3
Galapagos Islands 3
Glaciers 3
Greece 3
Guatemala 3
Guyana 3
Indonesia 3
Invertebrates 3
Italy 3
Japan 3
Livestock 3
Malaysia 3
Museum visitors 3
New Mexico 3
New York (N.Y.) 3
Ornithology -- United States 3
Peru -- Antiquities 3
Portugal 3
Puerto Rico 3
Spain 3
Switzerland 3
Tibetans 3
Virgin Islands of the United States 3
Volcanoes 3
Wildlife photography -- Competitions 3
Animals, Fossil 2
Ashanti (African people) 2
Australia 2
Bali Island (Indonesia) 2
Banff National Park (Alta.) 2
Birds -- Africa 2
Birds -- Photography 2
Bolivia 2
Brazil 2
Cambodia 2
Cave paintings -- Europe 2
Chaco Canyon (N.M.) -- Antiquities 2
China 2
Clouds 2
Congo (Democratic Republic) 2
Crabs 2
Cro-Magnons 2
Crustacea 2
Dinosaurs 2
Ecuador 2
Eskimos -- Alaska 2
Florida 2
Fossils 2
Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) 2
Gulls 2
Honduras 2
Inca architecture -- Peru 2
Indian dance -- Mexico 2
Indian goldwork -- Peru 2
Indians of South America -- Brazil -- Xingu River Valley 2
Israel 2
Jasper National Park (Alta.) 2
Kenya 2
Korea (South) 2
Lizards 2
Madagascar 2
Mammals -- Africa 2
∧ less
English 526
American Museum of Natural History 302
Photo Studio 204
Finnin, Denis 50
Beckett, J. (Jackie) 43
Chesek, Craig 24
∨ more
Department of Anthropology 12
Puza, Frank 8
Department of Education 7
Singer, Arthur 5
Theodore Roosevelt Hall of Biodiversity 5
American Museum of Natural History. Library 4
Chambers, Kenneth A. 4
Knight, Charles Robert, 1874-1953 4
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall 4
Arth, Malcolm, 1939-1992 3
Bogert, Charles M. (Charles Mitchill), 1908-1992 3
Boltin, Lee 3
Chiefly Feasts: The Enduring Kwakiutl Potlatch (Exhibition) 3
Coxe, James 3
Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs 3
K. Perkins 3
Kaston, B. J. (Benjamin Julian), 1906-1985 3
Root, Nina J. 3
African Reflections: Art from Northeastern Zaire (Exhibition) 2
Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926 2
Amber: Window to the Past (Exhibition) 2
Asante: Kingdom of Gold (Exhibition) 2
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 2
Bauer, O. 2
Cazier, Mont A. 2
Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 2
Cole, Charles J. 2
Dyer, Walter Gurnee 2
Endangered! Exploring a World at Risk (Exhibition) 2
Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, 1874-1927 2
Fulton, Dorothy M. 2
Guthrie, Elizabeth 2
Hall of Human Biology 2
Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs 2
Hassler, William G. 2
Hayden Planetarium 2
Hiss, Philip Hanson, 1910-1988 2
Irma and Paul Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life 2
Jesup North Pacific Expedition (1897-1902) 2
Kalbfleisch Field Research Station 2
Ker, Donald I. (Donald Ian), 1905-1981 2
Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519 2
Lerner Marine Laboratory 2
Lumholtz, Carl, 1851-1922 2
Margaret Mead Hall of Pacific Peoples 2
New York Times Company 2
Otumfuo Opoku Ware, King of the Ashanti, II, 1919-1999 2
Pough, Frederick H. 2
Rose Center for Earth and Space 2
Sheridan, Robert E., 1940- 2
Southwestern Research Station 2
St. Clair, Guy, 1940- 2
The Nature of Diamonds (Exhibition) 2
Whitney Memorial Hall of Oceanic Birds 2
Zweifel, Richard George, 1926- 2
Abbott, R. E. 1
Adlington, G. Robert 1
Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals 1
Allen, Arthur A. (Arthur Augustus), 1885-1964 1
Amadon, Dean 1
American Museum Congo Expedition (1909-1915) 1
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Invertebrates 1
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Vertebrate Paleontology 1
American Museum of Natural History. Office of Public Affairs 1
Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960 1
Archbold Biological Station 1
Archbold, Richard 1
Aronson, Lester R. (Lester Ralph), 1911-1996 1
Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites 1
Austerlitz, Robert, 1923-1994 1
Bahrt, Sidney 1
Bailey, Truman E., 1902?-1959 1
Bank, Ted 1
Barrowclough, George F. 1
Bartlett, Bob, 1875-1946 1
Bedi, Rajesh 1
Bell Museum of Natural History 1
Bickmore, Albert S. (Albert Smith), 1839-1914 1
Bird, Junius Bouton, 1907-1982 1
Bliss, Dorothy E. 1
Bodry-Sanders, Penelope, 1944- 1
Boulanger, Chantal 1
Breed, Jack 1
Butler, Howard Russell, 1856-1934 1
Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) 1
Cerro de la Neblina Expedition (1984-1985) 1
Chernela, Janet Marion, 1943- 1
Clark, Eugenie 1
Clausen, Lucy W. (Lucy Wilhelmine), 1909-1984 1
Clover, Phillip W. 1
Colbert, Edwin H. (Edwin Harris), 1905-2001 1
Coles, Bryony 1
Crabtree, Margo 1
Cracraft, Joel 1
Crummett, Michael, 1948- 1
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