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American Museum of Natural History miscellaneous photographic slides

Identifier: PSC 661
Scope and Contents Various photographs of temporary and permanent exhibitions at the AMNH. Mostly for a slide presentation shown at a Board Meeting held September 1991. Also includes images from the North American Ethnology collections storage taken by Paul Beelitz and other Science department collection storage areas, copy photographs of Patagonia, group photographs of the Exhibition Department taken in Spring 1979, and aerial views of the museum. Permanent halls include the Roosevelt Rotunda, Akeley Hall of...
Dates: Majority of material found within circa 1970s-2000s

American Museum of Natural History mural painting slides

Identifier: PSC 17B
Scope and Contents

Primarily murals painted of dinosaurs painted by Charles R. Knight. Some denote restoration paintings. Other paintings of dinosaurs credited to Bob Kane and Walter Ferguson. One painting of Aurora Borealis 910(1) 9 P.M. (Northern Lights) by Howard Butler.

Dates: undated

American Museum of Natural History Naturemax Theater photographic slides of "To Fly", 1982.

Identifier: PSC 61C

Slides taken of scenes from the movie "To Fly" which opened the AMNH Naturemax Theater on February 11, 1982.

Dates: 1982

American Museum of Natural History North American Mammal Hall photographic slides, undated.

Identifier: PSC 63

Dioramas and close up views of mammals displayed in the AMNH North American Mammals Hall.

Dates: undated

American Museum of Natural History Oil Geology Hall photographic slides, undated.

Identifier: PSC 27B

Images from exhibits in the AMNH Oil Geology Hall. Exhibits include Oil Derrick and Christmas Tree.

Dates: undated

American Museum of Natural History Pacific Peoples artifacts and exhibition photographic slides, circa 1971-1980.

Identifier: PSC 13

Studio photographs of artifacts from Northeastern Arnhem, Australia; Northern New Ireland; Papuan Gulf, New Guinea; Sepik Plains, New Guinea; Phillipines. Also includes interior views of the Margaret Mead Hall of Pacific Peoples taken in 1971 and Peoples of the Pacific taken in 1980.

Dates: circa 1971-1980

American Museum of Natural History photographic slide collection of mammals , undated.

Identifier: PSC 351

Photographs of mammals taken by various photographers. Animals include dogs, cats, raccoons, bears, gorillas, sheep, anteater, squirrels, bison, camels, beavers, a shrew, and a fox.

Dates: undated

American Museum of Natural History photographic slide collection of North American National Parks, circa 1970s-1980s.

Identifier: PSC 612

Photographs of various National Parks in North America, mostly United States and Canada. Professional quality photographs.

Dates: circa 1970s-1980s

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of a fallen kiosk, undated.

Identifier: PSC 526C

Photographs of a fallen kiosk, knocked over by construction, in front of the AMNH.

Dates: undated

American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of a giant squid

Identifier: PSC 588
Scope and Contents

Photographs of a frozen giant squid arriving at AMNH. Preservation and partial dissection and close ups on parts of the squid is shown. Photographs of Dr. Neil Landman, Dr. Steve O'Shea, and Richard Ellis included.

Dates: 1998 June

Filtered By

  • Repository: Museum Archives at the Gottesman Research Library X
  • Subject: Photographic Slide Collection X
  • Names: American Museum of Natural History X

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Museum exhibits -- Photographs 112
Travel photography 19
Animals 6
Flowers 6
Nature photography 6
∨ more
Birds 5
Indians of North America 5
Insects 5
Animals -- Africa 4
Dinosaurs -- Exhibitions 4
Kwakiutl art 4
Marine invertebrates 4
Mexico 4
Scientific expeditions 4
Zoo animals 4
Africa 3
Antarctica 3
Art, Prehistoric -- Europe 3
Chichén Itzá Site (Mexico) 3
Fishes 3
Museum visitors 3
New York (N.Y.) 3
Snakes 3
Tibetans 3
Wildlife photography -- Competitions 3
Ashanti (African people) 2
Banff National Park (Alta.) 2
Bimini Islands (Bahamas) 2
Cave paintings -- Europe 2
Clouds 2
Cro-Magnons 2
Egypt 2
Fossils 2
Frogs 2
Indian goldwork -- Peru 2
Indians of South America -- Brazil -- Xingu River Valley 2
Iran 2
Japan 2
Korea (South) 2
Marine animals 2
Museums and motion pictures 2
National parks and reserves -- North America 2
North America 2
Papua New Guinea -- Exhibitions 2
Peru -- Antiquities 2
Reptiles 2
Scientific expeditions -- Exhibitions 2
Scientists -- Portraits 2
Sri Lanka 2
Tapirapé Indians 2
Volcanoes 2
Waura Indians 2
Waura art 2
Africa -- Antiquities 1
Ainu -- Antiquities 1
Alaska 1
Amber 1
Amphibians 1
Animals -- Africa, East 1
Animals -- Antarctica 1
Animals -- Brazil 1
Animals -- Pictorial works 1
Animals, Fossil 1
Antarctica -- Discovery and exploration -- British 1
Anthropology -- Ecuador 1
Araguaia River (Brazil) 1
Art -- Nigeria 1
Art, Congolese (Democratic Republic) 1
Art, Mangbetu 1
Art, Zande 1
Asmat (Indonesian people) 1
Australia 1
Austria 1
Aztecs 1
Aztecs -- Antiquities 1
Bears 1
Beetles -- Mexico 1
Birds -- Africa 1
Birds -- Art 1
Birds -- Australia 1
Body art 1
Botswana 1
Butterflies -- Exhibitions 1
Cambodia 1
Canary Islands 1
Caraja Indians 1
Carpenter ants 1
Carthage (Extinct city) 1
Cecropia moth 1
Central African Republic 1
Central Park (New York, N.Y.) 1
Cheju-do (Korea) 1
Chipmunks 1
Christmas 1
Clothing and dress -- Saudi Arabia -- Exhibitions 1
Coal mines and mining -- Virginia 1
Cockroaches 1
Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Antiquities 1
∧ less
Photo Studio 160
Finnin, Denis 41
Beckett, J. (Jackie) 34
Chesek, Craig 16
Puza, Frank 6
∨ more
Theodore Roosevelt Hall of Biodiversity 5
Knight, Charles Robert, 1874-1953 4
Boltin, Lee 3
Chiefly Feasts: The Enduring Kwakiutl Potlatch (Exhibition) 3
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall 3
Amber: Window to the Past (Exhibition) 2
Asante: Kingdom of Gold (Exhibition) 2
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 2
Cazier, Mont A. 2
Cole, Charles J. 2
Coxe, James 2
Department of Anthropology 2
Endangered! Exploring a World at Risk (Exhibition) 2
Hall of Human Biology 2
Hayden Planetarium 2
Irma and Paul Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life 2
Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519 2
Margaret Mead Hall of Pacific Peoples 2
New York Times Company 2
Otumfuo Opoku Ware, King of the Ashanti, II, 1919-1999 2
Pough, Frederick H. 2
Rose Center for Earth and Space 2
Singer, Arthur 2
St. Clair, Guy, 1940- 2
The Nature of Diamonds (Exhibition) 2
African Reflections: Art from Northeastern Zaire (Exhibition) 1
Allen, Arthur A. (Arthur Augustus), 1885-1964 1
American Museum Congo Expedition (1909-1915) 1
American Museum of Natural History. Office of Public Affairs 1
Archbold Biological Station 1
Archbold, Richard 1
Arth, Malcolm, 1939-1992 1
Austerlitz, Robert, 1923-1994 1
Barrowclough, George F. 1
Bell Museum of Natural History 1
Bickmore, Albert S. (Albert Smith), 1839-1914 1
Bird, Junius Bouton, 1907-1982 1
Bogert, Charles M. (Charles Mitchill), 1908-1992 1
Butler, Howard Russell, 1856-1934 1
Cerro de la Neblina Expedition (1984-1985) 1
Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 1
Clark, Eugenie 1
Clausen, Lucy W. (Lucy Wilhelmine), 1909-1984 1
Clover, Phillip W. 1
Colbert, Edwin H. (Edwin Harris), 1905-2001 1
Crabtree, Margo 1
Cracraft, Joel 1
Department of Education 1
Elliot, Daniel Giraud, 1835-1915 1
Erdoes, Richard, 1912-2008 1
Ferguson, Walter 1
Ford, Linda S. 1
Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, 1874-1927 1
Gardner D. Stout Hall of Asian Peoples 1
Gerner, J. R. 1
Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast (Exhibition) 1
Great Barrier Reef Expedition (1962) 1
Grimaldi, David A. 1
Guthrie, Elizabeth 1
Hall of African Peoples 1
Hall of Public Health 1
Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians 1
Hall of Vertebrate Origins 1
Hayden, Karen C. 1
Hiser, David 1
Hyman, Libbie Henrietta, 1888-1969 1
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917) 1
Jaques, Francis Lee, 1887-1969 1
Jesup North Pacific Expedition (1897-1902) 1
John Lindsley Hall of Earth History 1
Jonaitis, Aldona, 1948- 1
Joyce, Arthur A. 1
K. Perkins 1
Kalbfleisch Field Research Station 1
Kane, Robert W., 1910-1982 1
Keith, T. L. 1
Lang, Herbert, 1879-1957 1
Lanyon, Wesley E. 1
Larson, Thomas J. (Thomas John) 1
Lecroy, Mary 1
Lerner Marine Laboratory 1
MacPhee, R. D. E. 1
Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 1
Mickens, Roderick 1
Moore, John Alexander, 1915-2002 1
Morris, Craig, 1939-2006 1
Musser, Guy G. 1
Myers, Charles W. 1
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) 1
Naval Research Laboratory (U.S.) 1
Neff, S. A. 1
New York Aquarium 1
New York Zoological Park 1
Nichols, John T. (John Treadwell), 1883-1958 1
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