Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 118
Family of man
Identifier: Film Collection no. 113
Scope and Contents
This broadcast on the "Family of Man" exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art was originally shown on June 19, 1955. The show won an award at the Venice Film Festival and was exhibited at the Edinburgh Film Festival. It is repeated here in its entirety.
Family of man
Identifier: Film Collection no. 110
Scope and Contents
The "Family of Man" exhibition of photographs at the Museum of Modern Art is discussed by Edward Steichen, noted photographer and curator at the Museum of Modern Art, and guests Eleanor Roosevelt, Carl Sandburg, and Harry L. Shapiro, AMNH Department of Anthropology. Roosevelt narrates the first segment of the program which tells the basic family story around the world through photographs of mothers, fathers, children, lovers, marriage and birth. Shapiro shows images (of man laboring, tilling...
Fish behavior
Identifier: Film Collection no. 89
Scope and Contents
This remote broadcast from Gilgo Beach, Long Island, N.Y., is a discussion of fish behavior introduced by Eugenie Clark, research associate in the AMNH Department of Animal Behavior. The pros and cons of laboratory research versus field research are examined. A film of fish courtship behavior and fertilization is shown featuring acara and angel fish. Some unusual underwater camera shots illustrate the subject for this broadcast. Also shown is a film made by Jacques-Yves Cousteau, renowned...
Gorillas and apes
Identifier: Film Collection no. 122
Scope and Contents
The program on gorillas and other apes begins with a film entitled Gorilla Bill, which is about Bill Said's methods of capturing a gorilla (shown previously on March 27, 1955). After this film material is presented, a remote broadcast from the Bronx Zoo (i.e. New York Zoological Park) features Charles Collingwood interviewing Richard Mandel, curator of mammals, about the lives of gorillas and other apes in the wild and in captivity. Chimpanzees perform tricks as Mandel discusses their...
Gorillas ; From the neck up
Identifier: Film Collection no. 35
Scope and Contents
SEGMENT 1: Gorillas. This segment opens with footage from the 1949 movie Mighty Joe Young (RKO Pictures), which is presented as an example of the traditional portrayal of gorillas as ferocious. At the CBS studio, James Howard McGregor, research associate at the AMNH and a noted expert on gorillas, discusses historical and characteristic aspects of gorillas. At the Baltimore Zoo by remote broadcast, Arthur Watson and host Robert Northshield play with Robert, a rambunctious...
Headhunters of South America
Identifier: Film Collection no. 125
Scope and Contents
Edward Moffat Weyer, editor of Natural History magazine and an anthropologist, and Harry Tschopik, AMNH ethnologist, are guest anthropologists on this broadcast about two groups of Indians. The Chavante (i.e. Shavante) and Jivaro Indians, who live in the Amazon region of South America, have been the subject of some scrutiny following the recent massacre of five American missionaries by the Auca Indians in Ecuador. Excerpts from Tschopik's film Men of the Montana, Weyer's film on the Chavante...
Identifier: Film Collection no. 105
Scope and Contents
The second segment in a three-part series on religion discusses Hinduism. The three stages of life of the average Hindu are examined: confirmation and preparation; discharge obligations; and in old age renouncing life and attempting to reach Brahman and rebirth. Shanta Rao, India's foremost classical dancer, performs ritual dances that are part of the religious Hindu observance. Filmed material includes Indians praying, making pottery, sewing, harvesting, and celebrating. G. L. Mehta, Indian...
History of life #4
Identifier: Film Collection no. 64
Scope and Contents
The Rise of the Mammal is the fourth program in a special series on the Adventure series. George Gaylord Simpson, AMNH paleontologist and author of The Meaning of Evolution, and Edwin Harris Colbert, curator of fossil amphibians and reptiles at the museum, discuss the emergence of the mammal as a dominant form of life on earth. The program reviews the diversification found in the mammal class, as well as locomotive and adaptation characteristics. The evolution of the horse is examined...
History of life on earth #1
Identifier: Film Collection no. 45
Scope and Contents
This is the first of a series of four broadcasts on the history of life on earth. George Gaylord Simpson, AMNH paleontologist, and Norman Dennis Newell of the Department of Fossil Invertebrates discuss the history of life and man's place in it. The program begins with electron microscope views of single-celled organisms and includes a discussion of fossils and a film entitled Birth of a Baby, produced by the Association of Medical Colleges and George Washington University. The Simplest...
Hook : a hawk's life
Identifier: Film Collection no. 131
Scope and Contents
Ernest Thomas Gilliard, an ornithologist at the AMNH, is introduced on this broadcast as a guest expert on the life cycle of the hawk. Featured in this broadcast is a film entitled Hook. A fictional biography of a hawk, the short story was written by Walter Van Tilburg Clark, author of The Ox-Bow Incident. The film traces the hawk's life cycle through the eyes of a hawk. The new type of motion picture animation used in this film created a series of optical effects by moving the camera over...
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Afghanistan -- Antiquities 1
- Animals -- Australia 1
- Antarctica -- Description and travel 1
- Apatosaurus 1
- Archaeology -- Afghanistan 1
- Astronomical instruments 1
- Bali (Indonesia : Province) -- Social life and customs 1
- Bees -- Behavior 1
- Body marking 1
- Body piercing 1
- Chimpanzees -- Behavior 1
- Chimpanzees -- Training 1
- Cinematographers -- Belgium 1
- Common wallaroo -- Australia 1
- Cosmetics 1
- Courtship in animals 1
- Dance -- Indonesia -- Bali (Province) 1
- Dinosaurs 1
- Djuka people -- Antiquities 1
- Djuka people -- Civilization 1
- Djuka people -- History -- 18th century 1
- Eggs -- Incubation 1
- Ethnology -- Polynesia 1
- Excavations (Archaeology) -- Afghanistan 1
- Fishing -- Great Lakes (North America) 1
- Garden ecology 1
- Gem cutting 1
- Gorilla 1
- Gorilla -- Behavior 1
- Guano 1
- Hairstyles 1
- Harems -- Afghanistan 1
- Hunting -- South America 1
- Igloos 1
- Insect pests 1
- Insects 1
- Interplanetary voyages 1
- Jaguar -- South America 1
- Kamaiurá Indians -- Brazil -- Mato Grosso (State) 1
- Kruger National Park (South Africa) 1
- Lampreys -- Great Lakes (North America) 1
- Lion -- Behavior 1
- Lion -- Folklore 1
- Lion -- Food 1
- Mato Grosso (Brazil : State) -- Description and travel 1
- Meshie (Chimpanzee) 1
- Moon 1
- Motion picture producers and directors -- Belgium 1
- Ocean travel 1
- Precious stones -- Catalogs and collections -- New York (State) -- New York 1
- Rams -- Behavior 1
- Rattlesnakes -- Physiology 1
- Reptiles -- Australia 1
- Satellites 1
- Sea birds -- Peru 1
- Serpents -- Mythology 1
- Snakes 1
- Solar system 1
- Space flight 1
- Spiders -- Behavior 1
- Spiders -- Food 1
- Sun 1
- Suriname -- History 1
- Tarantulas 1
- Tattooing 1
- Tuna fishing -- Italy -- Sicily 1
- Tuna industry -- Italy -- Sicily 1
- Unicellular organisms 1
- Wallabies -- Australia 1
- Wildlife cinematography 1
- Xavante Indians -- Brazil 1 ∧ less
- Names
- CBS/AMNH Adventure Series (1953-1956) 15
- Ekholm, Gordon F. (Gordon Frederick), 1909-1987 4
- Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1887-1973 3
- RKO Pictures 3
- Bogert, Charles M. (Charles Mitchill), 1908-1992 2
- Chamberlain, Joseph Miles 2
- Denis, Michaela 2
- Forrester, Frank H. 2
- Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 2
- Anthony, H. E. (Harold Elmer), 1890-1970 1
- Baltimore Zoo (Baltimore, Md.) 1
- Barry, Catherine E. 1
- Bateson, Gregory, 1904-1980 1
- Buchsbaum, Ralph Morris, 1907-2002 1
- Cazier, Mont A. 1
- Colbert, Edwin H. (Edwin Harris), 1905-2001 1
- Columbia University-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Africa (1929-1931) 1
- DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. 1
- E. J. Mauther 1
- Fairservis, Walter Ashlin, 1921-1994 1
- Fawcett, Brian 1
- Fawcett, Percy Harrison, 1867-1925? 1
- Goodwin, George Gilbert 1
- Hall of Early Mammals 1
- Heyerdahl, Thor 1
- Kahn, Morton C. (Morton Charles), 1896-1959 1
- Lennon, R. E. (Robert E.) 1
- Mason, Brian (Brian Harold), 1917-2009 1
- Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 1
- National Film Board of Canada 1
- Orttung, Jane Raven 1
- Pallister, John 1
- Parr, Albert Eide, 1900-1991 1
- Pough, Richard H. (Richard Hooper), 1904-2003 1
- Ralston Purina Company 1
- Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 1
- Romanoff, Alexis Lawrence, 1892-1980 1
- Schneirla, T. C. (Theodore Christian), 1902-1968 1
- Siemel, Sasha 1
- Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 1
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1
- Weyer, Edward Moffat, 1904-1998 1
- Wilner Film and Slides 1
- Wright, Harry B. 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more