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Benjamin Silliman correspondence, 1839-1861.

Identifier: Mss .S55

Dorothy Bliss papers

Identifier: Mss .B55
Scope and Contents In the case of this collection, Scope and Content are virtually synonymous. Both words encompass Dr. Bliss's single-minded, detailed study of crustaceans in general and the land crab gecarcinus lateralis in particular. There is nothing in these papers that refers to her teaching positions or the other outside interests cited in the biographical sketch. It must be assumed that she was always careful to compartmentalize her various activities. The scope of the material starts in...
Dates: 1950-1979

George Borup correspondence

Identifier: Mss .B67

Central Asiatic Expeditions records

Identifier: Mss .C446
Scope and Contents This collection is a record of the Museum’s explorations undertaken during the 1920s in the Gobi Desert under the leadership of Roy Chapman Andrews. A list of the men who participated in the CAE can be culled from the expeditions’ letterheads used by museum personnel in New York. All but three of the men cited on these letterheads are represented here. Those not found are Mont Reid, a physician, James Wang, an interpreter and G. Horwath of motor transport. The variety of other correspondents...
Dates: 1916-1940; Majority of material found within 1921-1933

Clarence M. Weed correspondence, 1885-1935.

Identifier: Mss .W444

Cyril F. dos Passos papers, 1932-1978

Identifier: Mss .D67
Scope and content

The collection consists of minimally processed material. It is primarily correspondence, with some administrative papers, notes, newspaper clippings and a few personal and family photographs. Some general subject headings are noted in pencil on the outside of the boxes, such as Lepidoptera, Entomology, Zoological nomenclature and Carnegie [Institute]. Correspondents include F. Martin Brown, Jeane D. Gunder, Alexander B. Klots and Charles Lee Remington.

Dates: 1932 - 1978

Bashford Dean papers

Identifier: Mss .D433-.D434

Bashford Dean (1867-1928) was a teacher, ichthyologist, and armor scholar. As curator, he headed emergent departments at the American Museum of Natural History (Reptiles and Fishes, 1903-1910) and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (curator, Arms and Armor, 1904-1912) in New York City. The Bashford Dean Papers primarily consists of correspondence and sketchbooks.

Dates: 1888-1961 and unknown; Majority of material found within 1901-1902

Department of Ornithology historic correspondence 'A-Z' collection

Identifier: Archives Orn5
Scope and Contents

Historic correspondence files organized from A to Z and include articles, photographs (one slide), biographical information, bird lists and field notes. Also includes articles, expedition histories, oral history.

Dates: 1865-2002, undated

Department of Vertebrate Paleontology correspondence

Identifier: VPA 105
Scope and Contents Department of Vertebrate Paleontology correspondence from 1887-1966, alphabetized by subject or author. Hundreds of scientists worldwide are represented by correspondence and include Alexander Agassiz, Glover M. Allen, Florentino Ameghino, Erwin H. Barbour, Franz Boas, Stephen F. Borhegyi, Robert Broom, Barnum Brown, Hermon C. Bumpus, Edwin H. Colbert, Thomas Alva Edison, Walter Granger, William T. Gregory, Claude W. Hibbard, D.A. Hooijer, William T. Hornaday, Remington Kellogg, Charles R....
Dates: 1887-1966

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  • Subject: Correspondence X

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Museum Archives at the Gottesman Research Library 69
Department of Ornithology Archives 3
Vertebrate Paleontology Archives 2
Manuscript Collection 58
Entomologists -- United States -- Correspondence 12
Natural history museum curators -- Correspondence 11
Department Records 10
Museum directors -- New York (State) -- New York -- Correspondence 8
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Paleontologists -- United States -- Correspondence 8
Correspondence 6
Ornithologists -- United States -- Correspondence 6
Zoologists -- United States -- Correspondence 6
Geologists -- United States -- Correspondence. 5
Ichthyologists -- United States -- Correspondence 5
Museum curators -- New York (State) -- New York -- Correspondence. 4
Natural history museum curators 4
Ornithologists -- Correspondence. 4
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Ornithology. Archives. 3
Anthropologists -- United States -- Correspondence 3
Fishes -- Research 3
Natural history museums -- New York (State) -- New York -- History 3
Naturalists -- United States -- Correspondence 3
Paleontologists -- Correspondence 3
Publications 3
Anatomists -- United States -- Correspondence 2
Birds -- Classification 2
Birds -- Collection and preservation 2
Butterflies -- Classification -- History -- Sources. 2
Butterflies -- Type specimens. 2
Coelacanth 2
Education -- Museums 2
Entomologists -- Correspondence. 2
Entomologists -- North America -- Correspondence. 2
Evolution (Biology) -- History -- Sources. 2
Explorers -- Africa, Central -- Correspondence. 2
Explorers -- United States -- Correspondence. 2
Lepidoptera -- Catalogs and collections -- New York (State) -- New York. 2
Lepidoptera -- Classification -- History -- Sources. 2
Lepidoptera -- North America -- Classification -- History -- Sources. 2
Mammals -- Evolution. 2
Meteorites 2
Mongolia -- Description and travel 2
Museum publications 2
Natural history museums -- New York (State) -- New York 2
Ontogeny. 2
Scientific expeditions -- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) 2
Teeth, Fossil. 2
Administrative 1
Aleuts 1
Ammonoidea 1
Amphibians -- Classification 1
Amphibians -- Development 1
Amphibians -- Embryology 1
Anatomists -- Great Britain -- Correspondence 1
Animals -- Classification 1
Animals -- Nomenclature 1
Animals -- Transportation 1
Anthropologists -- Russia (Federation) -- Correspondence 1
Anthropometry. 1
Archaeologists -- Mexico -- Correspondence. 1
Archaeologists -- United States -- Correspondence. 1
Archives Microfilm 1
Arctic regions -- Discovery and exploration -- American. 1
Argali -- Classification. 1
Art and science 1
Artists -- United States -- Correspondence. 1
Astronomy in art 1
Australia -- Description and travel. 1
Bees -- North Dakota -- Classification 1
Beetles -- Trinidad and Tobago. 1
Beneficial insects. 1
Birds -- Catalogs and collections -- New York (State) -- New York. 1
Birds -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
Birds -- Exhibitions 1
Birds -- Flight. 1
Birds -- French Guiana -- Cayenne. 1
Birds, Fossil. 1
Black-and-white photographs 1
Botanists -- Germany -- Correspondence. 1
Botanists -- United States -- Correspondence. 1
Brain -- Evolution. 1
Butterflies -- Jamaica. 1
Butterflies -- North America -- Classification -- History -- Sources. 1
Butterflies -- Type specimens -- North America -- Catalogs and collections. 1
Carcinology -- History -- Sources 1
Caves -- United States. 1
Caves -- Virginia -- Luray 1
Cerro de Pasco (Peru) -- Description and travel 1
Cervus duvauceli -- Classification. 1
Chemists -- United States -- Correspondence. 1
Cichlids 1
Cinematographers -- United States -- Correspondence. 1
City Planning 1
Crabs -- Physiology 1
Crustacea -- Physiology 1
Decapoda (Crustacea) -- Physiology 1
Development 1
Dichodon cuspidatus. 1
Dinosaur tracks -- Connecticut River Valley. 1
Earthquakes. 1
Ecology 1
Embryologists -- Italy -- Correspondence. 1
Entomologists -- Colorado -- Correspondence. 1
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English 70
French 3
German 1
American Museum of Natural History 17
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935 8
Department of Entomology 7
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Ornithology 6
Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 5
∨ more
Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 5
Matthew, William Diller, 1871-1930 5
Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960 4
Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) 4
Cockerell, Theodore D. A. (Theodore Dru Alison), 1866-1948 4
Department of Ichthyology 4
Allen, J. A. (Joel Asaph), 1838-1921 3
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Invertebrates 3
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Mammalogy 3
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Vertebrate Paleontology 3
Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 3
Dean, Bashford, 1867-1928 3
Department of Geology and Paleontology 3
Granger, Walter, 1872-1941 3
Gregory, William K. (William King), 1876-1970 3
Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus), 1852-1929 3
Lutz, Frank Eugene, 1879-1943 3
Merriam, C. Hart (Clinton Hart), 1855-1942 3
Nichols, John T. (John Treadwell), 1883-1958 3
Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 3
Smithsonian Institution 3
Agassiz, Alexander, 1835-1910 2
Atz, James W. 2
Audubon, Maria R. (Maria Rebecca), 1843-1925 2
Beebe, William, 1877-1962 2
Berlepsch, Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig, Graf von, 1850-1915 2
Bickmore, Albert S. (Albert Smith), 1839-1914 2
Boston Society of Natural History 2
Breder, Charles M. (Charles Marcus), 1897-1983 2
Brown, Barnum 2
Brown, F. Martin (Frederick Martin), 1903-1993 2
Cope, E. D. (Edward Drinker), 1840-1897 2
Correia, José G., 1881-1954 2
Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917) 2
Department of Education 2
Dodge Brothers 2
Dutcher, William, 1846-1920 2
Elliot, Daniel Giraud, 1835-1915 2
Frick, Childs, 1883-1965 2
Hornaday, William T. (William Temple), 1854-1937 2
Hovey, Edmund Otis, 1862-1924 2
Jesup North Pacific Expedition (1897-1902) 2
Johnson, Osa, 1894-1953 2
Knight, Charles Robert, 1874-1953 2
Lee, Hugh J. 2
Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005 2
Mearns, Edgar Alexander, 1856-1916 2
Mook, Charles Craig, 1887-1966 2
Morris, Frederick K. (Frederick Kuhne), 1886 2
Moses, Robert, 1888-1981 2
Noble, G. Kingsley (Gladwyn Kingsley), 1894-1940 2
Oliver, James A. (James Arthur), 1914-1981 2
Parr, Albert Eide, 1900-1991 2
Peary, Robert E. (Robert Edwin), 1856-1920 2
Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 2
Sanford, L. C. (Leonard Cutler), 1868-1950 2
Schaeffer, Bobb, 1913-2004 2
Schwarz, Herbert Ferlando, 1883-1960 2
Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 2
Sherwood, George Herbert, 1876-1937 2
Smith, J. L. B. (James Leonard Brierley), 1897-1968 2
Sternfeld, Ruth, d. 2007 2
Thomas, Oldfield, 1858-1929 2
Whitney South Sea Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1920-1941) 2
Young, John McKenzie 2
Académie royale de chirurgie (France) 1
Adamson, Hans Christian 1
Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals 1
Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926 1
Akeley, Mary L. Jobe (Mary Lenore Jobe), 1878-1966 1
Allen, Glover M. (Glover Morrill), 1879-1942 1
American Association of Museums 1
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Insects and Spiders 1
American Museum of Natural History. Library 1
Audubon 1
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 1
Audubon, M. Eliza (Mary Eliza) 1
Australian Expedition (1st : 1921-1922) 1
Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887 1
Bangs, Outram, 1862-1932 1
Bartlett, Bob, 1875-1946 1
Batchelder, Charles F. (Charles Foster), 1898-1973 1
Beck, Rollo Howard, 1870-1950 1
Berkey, Charles Peter, 1867-1955 1
Blanford, William Thomas, 1832-1905 1
Bliss, Dorothy E. 1
Bogoras, Waldemar, 1865-1936 1
Borup, George, 1885-1912 1
Brand, Albert R. (Albert Rich) 1
Brewster, William, 1851-1919 1
Brooklyn Museum 1
Bryan, E. H. (Edwin Horace), 1898-1985 1
Burden, W. Douglas (William Douglas), 1898-1978 1
Bush, Katharine J. (Katharine Jeannette), 1855-1937 1
Buxton, N. G. (Norman G.) 1
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