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American Museum of Natural History oral history collection, 1975-2002.

Identifier: Mss .A45O73
Dates: Majority of material found within 1975 - 2002

Roy Chapman Andrews papers, 1987 Accession

Identifier: Mss .A54
Scope and Contents The bulk of the collection consists of Andrews' correspondence, manuscripts, and transcripts of Andrews' broadcasts and talks from 1934 to1944. It also contains one folder of family and biographical documents and newspaper clippings received from Charles Gallenkamp, Andrews' biographer, in 1990. The majority of the administrative papers' correspondence concerns requests for speaking engagements about Andrews' explorations, requests for articles, and letters from the public and from companies...
Dates: 1920-1947; Majority of material found within 1934-1944

Curator (magazine) papers,

Identifier: DR 020

Gorillas ; From the neck up

Identifier: Film Collection no. 35
Scope and Contents SEGMENT 1: Gorillas. This segment opens with footage from the 1949 movie Mighty Joe Young (RKO Pictures), which is presented as an example of the traditional portrayal of gorillas as ferocious. At the CBS studio, James Howard McGregor, research associate at the AMNH and a noted expert on gorillas, discusses historical and characteristic aspects of gorillas. At the Baltimore Zoo by remote broadcast, Arthur Watson and host Robert Northshield play with Robert, a rambunctious...
Dates: 1953

William King Gregory papers, 1889-1948 (bulk 1906-1948)

Identifier: Mss .G7441
Scope and Contents The collection consists of administrative, scientific, academic and personal papers, and correspondence. Papers include Gregory's general correspondence with universities, colleges and scientists about his research topics and publications; correspondence with museums about purchasing replicas of fossils; and with students seeking employement. Other papers include lecture notes prepared for zoology classes emphasizing evolution, 1925-1926 and 1939; and manuscripts and notes for his...
Dates: 1889-1948; Majority of material found within 1906-1948

Harry Lionel Shapiro papers

Identifier: Mss .S537
Scope and Contents Collection consists of English translations of articles written by Shapiro and published from 1874 to 1938 pertaining to anthropological research. Most articles were translated by Edward Hulles or Grace P. Eldridge.Contents of articles[Southern tip of South America] -- Les Araucaniens du Jardin d'acclimation / Deniker, M. (1883) -- Materiaux pour servir à l'histoire des Oonas indigènes de la Terre du feu / Lahille, F. (1926) -- Ein Onaschädel aus Feuerland : zur...
Dates: circa 1930s-1980s

The Chavantes of Mato Grosso ; Field work, snakes ; Meshie

Identifier: Film Collection no. 38
Scope and Contents SEGMENT 1: The Chavantes of Mato Grosso. Edward Moffat Weyer, editor of Natural History magazine and the first non-Indian to visit the Chavante (i.e. Shavante) Indians, presents rare photographic images and observations of the Chavantes who live in the Xingu River region of Brazil. Weyer also discusses his visit to the Kamaiura Indians of Mato Grosso. SEGMENT 2: Field Work: Snakes. Robert Northshield, host, observes Charles M. Bogert, chairman of the Department of Amphibians and Reptiles at...
Dates: 1953

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  • Names: American Museum of Natural History X
  • Names: Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 X

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Manuscript Collection 4
Film Collection 2
Moving Images 2
Animals -- Classification 1
Australia -- Description and travel. 1
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Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960 2
Beebe, William, 1877-1962 2
CBS/AMNH Adventure Series (1953-1956) 2
Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 2
Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 2
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Colbert, Edwin H. (Edwin Harris), 1905-2001 2
Columbia Broadcasting System, inc. 2
Johnson, Osa, 1894-1953 2
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935 2
Parr, Albert Eide, 1900-1991 2
Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 2
Adamson, Hans Christian 1
Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926 1
Akeley, Mary L. Jobe (Mary Lenore Jobe), 1878-1966 1
Amadon, Dean 1
American Museum of Natural History. Department of Library Services 1
Anderson, Sydney, 1927- 1
Aronson, Lester R. (Lester Ralph), 1911-1996 1
Atz, James W. 1
Australian Expedition (1st : 1921-1922) 1
Baltimore Zoo (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Bartlett, Bob, 1875-1946 1
Berkey, Charles Peter, 1867-1955 1
Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 1
Bogert, Charles M. (Charles Mitchill), 1908-1992 1
Breder, Charles M. (Charles Marcus), 1897-1983 1
Brown, Barnum 1
Burden, W. Douglas (William Douglas), 1898-1978 1
Carneiro, Robert L. (Robert Leonard), 1927- 1
Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) 1
Cockerell, Theodore D. A. (Theodore Dru Alison), 1866-1948 1
Columbia University-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Africa (1929-1931) 1
Correia, José G., 1881-1954 1
Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917) 1
Crocker, Templeton, 1884-1948 1
Davison, Frederick Trubee, 1896-1974 1
Dean, Bashford, 1867-1928 1
Department of Ichthyology 1
Dodge Brothers 1
Freed, Stanley A. 1
Frick, Childs, 1883-1965 1
Gardiner, Henry, 1916- 1
Gilliard, E. Thomas (Ernest Thomas), 1912-1965 1
Granger, Walter, 1872-1941 1
Gregory, William K. (William King), 1876-1970 1
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter), 1904-1992 1
Heinz 1
Hellman, Milo, 1872-1947 1
Henson, Matthew Alexander, 1866-1955 1
Knight, Charles Robert, 1874-1953 1
Lanyon, Wesley E. 1
Lecroy, Mary 1
Lee, Hugh J. 1
Lerner, Michael, 1890-1978 1
Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus), 1852-1929 1
Lutz, Frank Eugene, 1879-1943 1
Matthew, William Diller, 1871-1930 1
Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005 1
McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney), 1870-1949 1
McKenna, Malcolm C. 1
Mook, Charles Craig, 1887-1966 1
Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1887-1973 1
Myers, Charles W. 1
Newell, Norman Dennis, 1909-2005 1
Nichols, John T. (John Treadwell), 1883-1958 1
Noble, G. Kingsley (Gladwyn Kingsley), 1894-1940 1
Norton, Ruth 1
Nyholm, N. Erik I. 1
Orttung, Jane Raven 1
Peary, Josephine Diebitsch, 1863-1955 1
Peary, Robert E. (Robert Edwin), 1856-1920 1
Platnick, Norman I. 1
Prinz, Martin 1
Putnam, George Palmer, 1887-1950 1
Quinn, Stephen C., 1951- 1
RKO Pictures 1
Reekie, Gordon 1
Rozen, Jerome George, 1928- 1
Sanford Memorial Hall of the Biology of Birds 1
Sanford, L. C. (Leonard Cutler), 1868-1950 1
Saunders, John R. (John Richard) 1
Schaeffer, Bobb, 1913-2004 1
Schwarz, Herbert Ferlando, 1883-1960 1
Sherwood, George Herbert, 1876-1937 1
Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 1
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1879-1962 1
Tedford, Richard H. 1
Templeton Crocker Pacific Expedition (1st : 1934-1935) 1
Weyer, Edward Moffat, 1904-1998 1
Whitney South Sea Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1920-1941) 1
Wilkins, George H., Sir (George Hubert), 1888-1958 1
Williston, Samuel Wendell, 1851-1918 1
Witteborg, Lothar P., 1927- 1
Young, John McKenzie 1
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