Exist Dates
1937 - approximately 1950-1952
Biographical or Historical Note
- abstract
- Permanent exhibition. Opened approximately 1938 and closed approximately 1950-1952. Located on Floor 3, Section 7a. The Hall
of Petrology at the American Museum of Natural History was closely associated with the Hall of Geology and Invertebrate Palaeontology.
The Hall of Petrology or Rock History presented a graphic visualization of the basic processes of rock formation, petrology,
and ore deposits as well as the application of the science of geology to modern life and the industrial world (1, 1938, p.
2; 1, 1939, p.7). Plans for the hall were prepared by Curator Chester A. Reed, and WPA artists Frank Vallone, Paul Brabazon,
and Andrew R. Janson created volcano paintings on curved surfaces. Models of New Jersey and New York were produced by A.H.
Niles and I.C. Conforti (1, 1937, p. 12).
The hall featured paintings of famous volcanoes, including those of Mt. Lassan, Mt. Pelee, Vesuvius, Sakurajima, and Kilauea
(1, 1937, p. 12). The hall also exhibited specimens of magma, intrusive igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, structural geology,
metamorphic rocks, economic geology and ore-bearing rocks, with exhibits depicting the processes that produce coal, the history
of coal in the United States, and the interior of the earth (2, 1949, p. 26). Draftsman M.P. Gagliardi worked on a relief
model of the Hudson Submarine Canyon based on coast and geodetic survey maps and sonic depth sounding which were supplied
by Dr. A.C. Veatch. A relief model of Bryce Canyon by WPA artists was installed as entrance feature (1, 1937, p. 12).
(1) American Museum of Natural History. Annual Reports. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1937-1939.
(2) General Guide to the Exhibition Halls of the American Museum of Natural History. New York: American Museum of Natural
History, 1949.
Information for the hall appears in the following Museum publications:
American Museum of Natural History Annual Reports for years 1937 (page 12); 1938
(page 2); 1939 (page 7); 1941 (page 8)
American Museum of Natural History General Guides for years 1939 (page 18, 26);
1943 (Table of Contents, page 18, 24, 26); 1945 (Table of Contents, page 18, 26);
1947 (Table of Contents, page 18, 26); 1949 (Table of Contents, page 18, 26)
- place
- New York
![External link](https://data.library.amnh.org/archives-authorities/ui/images/external.png)
AMNH: Floor 3, Section 7a.
Located in corridor adjacent to Hall 7.