2015 January 13 - 2017 May 39
"Countdown to Zero: Defeating Disease" was an exhibit which explored the factors that determine if a disease is eradicable-- meaning that it can be wiped out completely-- as well as the scientific and social innovations that are ridding the world of ancient afflictions. Developed in collaboration with the Carter Center, founded by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter; the exhibition used photography, videography, and artifacts to highlight several global efforts to fight infections. Chief among these is the campaign to eradicate Guinea worm disease. The exhibition also highlighted ongoing programs to eradicate polio, local elimination of river blindness, lymphatic filariasis and malaria, and the challenge of diseases that cannot be eradicated, including Ebola. The exhibition was on view in the Akeley Gallery of the American Museum of Natural History from January 13, 2015 through May 29, 2017.
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