1958 March 21 - 1958, approximately
Satellite: First Step to Space was a pictorial exhibition designed to answer frequently asked questions about man-made satellites. The exhibition featured a "scoreboard" panel to compare relative sizes, types of orbit, kinds of instrumentation, and similar data on four artificial satellites, Sputniks I and II, Explorer I, and Vanguard I. Preceding the artificial satellites display was a panel on Earth's moon. As more satellites were launched, the Museum planned to add to the "scoreboard" (1, p. 1). Eleven common questions were answered on additional panels in non-technical language with illustrations. Suspended above the center of the display was a full-scale model of a 20-inch spherical satellite, one of the types the United States planned to launch during the International Geophysical Year (1, p. 1). The exhibition included illustrations by Helmut Wimmer, American Museum-Hayden Planetarium staff artist, and the text for the illustrations was prepared by Franklyn M. Branley, associate astronomer at the Hayden Planetarium (1, p. 2).
This is a condensed summary of the exhibition. For additional information, see Sources and/or Related Resources.
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