1913 - 1917
Personnel: Roosevelt, Theodore, leader; Miller, Leo E., sci.; Cherrie, George K., sci.; Boyle, Howarth, sci
Department: Various Departments
Sponsors: Roosevelt, Theodore; Dodge, Cleveland H
Sources: P.C. 2 Authority File; AR, No. 45, 1913, pp. 25, 54; No. 46, 1914, p. 25; No. 47, 1915, p. 20; No. 48, 1916, pp. 39, 40, 79, 80, No. 49 for 1917, pp. 80, 82; American Museum Journal, Oct. 1913, pp. 283-285; Dec., 1913, pp. 351-361; April 1914, pp. 145-156; May 1914 pp. 213; 214; Feb. 1915, pp. 35-65; Roosevelt, Through the Brazilian Wilderness, New York, Scribner's, 1914. Allen, J.A.. "Mammals collected on the Roosevelt Brazilian Expedition" Bulletin of the AMNH, Vol. XXXV, Art. XXX pp. 559-610
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