1979 September 26 - 1979 November 26
"The Art of Scientific Illustration" a traveling exhibition of 70 scientific drawings organized by by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, included 20 historical drawings from the Smithsonian's collection as well as 50 contemporary works from the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators. The Museum added the work of some if its own artists, plus a painting by Titian Ramsey Peale which was done for the unpublished volume "Butterflies of North America." Also included was a study painting by Matthew Kalmenoff, of the Great Wall of China, which was used as the model for a diorama being prepared for the Gardner D. Stout Hall of Asian People. The illustrations were on view in the Akeley Gallery on the 2nd floor of the American Museum of Natural History from September 26 though November 26, 1979.
Individuals and institutions involved in the creation of the exhibition: Smithsonian Institution. Traveling Exhibition Service.
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