South Georgia Island Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1912-1913)

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Exist Dates

1912 - 1913

Biographical or Historical Note

To secure specimens of Sea Elephants, Sea Leopards, King Penguins

Personnel: Murphy, Robert C., leader (at that time working for the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences)

Sponsors: Under joint auspices and In cooperation with Brooklyn Institute of Art and Sciences; and through the contribution of James, Arthur Curtiss

Sources: AR, No. 44, for 1912, p. 18; No. 45, for 1913, p. 23 and pp. 54-55; American Museum Journal, vol XII , Oct, 1912, p. 224; XIII, January, Notes, p. 47; and Oct. 1913, pp. 243-259; XIV, May, 1914, p. 216


    (1) Murphy, R. C. (n.d.). Oceanic birds of South America; a study of species of the related coasts and seas, including the American quadrant of Antarctic, based upon the Brewster-Sanford collection in the American Museum of Natural History. New York: Macmillan.

Related Corporate, Personal, and Family Names

associated dates: 1912-1913

Whaling ship used for the duration of the expedition (1).
American Museum of Natural History
associated dates: 1912-1913

Joint auspices with the Brooklyn Museum of Arts and Sciences.
Brooklyn Museum of Arts and Sciences
associated dates: 1912-1913

Joint auspices with the AMNH.
Cleveland, Benjamin D.
associated dates: 1912-1913

Captained the whaling ship "The Daisy" for the duration of the expedition (1).
James, Arthur Curtiss
associated dates: 1912-1913

Helped to fund the expedition.
Murphy, Robert C.
associated dates: 1912-1913

Leader (at the time working for the Brooklyn Museum of Arts and Sciences).

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