Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 55
Alex Seidel and Helen Ziska drawings collection
Maps, diagrams, pen and ink drawings for the "Birds of the Belgian Congo" (Note that volume number is not specified.) Artists: Jas. Chapin, Seidel, Helen Ziska. Also includes Seidel's "Birds of the Southwest Pacifc" drawings.
Australia-Macmillan Expedition collection
Field notes, catalogs, specimen tags, lists of specimens and photographs. Field specimen numbers Q1 to 254B.
Bird slides and photographs collection
A collection of slides and photographs of bird species, primarily arranged by bird family and also by geographic location.
Bolivia-Anderson Expedition collection
Photocopy and typed catalogs and lists of birds collected by Anderson in Bolivia.
Borneo-Menden collection
Field notes, correspondence and bibliography of Borneo birds (1915-1933).
Brewster-Sanford Expedition collection
Catalogue of bird skins and birds, specimen numbers 1-7863, expedition journal of Rollo H. Beck-(handwritten and typed bound copy), photographs and correspondence.
Burma-Vernay Expedition collection
List of birds collected by Vernay in Burma.
Captain Keith Caldwell bird list
List of East African birds collected by Caldwell in Kenya
Catalogue of anatomical bird material
Catalogue of anatomical bird material at the American Museum of Natural History. Entries for each specimen include AMNH number, collector's name, name, date, locality, sex, collector, donor, cross reference, and remarks. The catalogue spans four volumes.
Catalogue of birds in exhibition collection
Catalogue of birds in the exhibition collection at the American Museum of Natural History. Entries for each bird include museum number, original number, name, sex and age, date, locality, name of collector, name of donor, dimensions, and remarks. The catalogue spans two volumes and was originally begun by Edgar A. Mearns during the period 1883-1884. Information in the volumes spans 1812-1994.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Repository
- Department of Ornithology Archives 51
- Museum Archives at the Gottesman Research Library 4
- Subject
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Ornithology. Archives. 51
- Birds -- Catalogs and collections 26
- Birds -- Pictorial works 7
- Field notes 6
- Birds -- Exhibitions 4
- Manuscript Collection 4
- Birds 3
- Birds -- Classification 3
- Birds -- Photography 2
- Birds -- South America -- Catalogs and collections. 2
- Natural history museum curators -- Correspondence 2
- Scientific expeditions 2
- Arctic regions -- Discovery and exploration 1
- Artists 1
- Birds -- Africa 1
- Birds -- Anatomy 1
- Birds -- Australia 1
- Birds -- Bolivia -- Catalogs and collections 1
- Birds -- Borneo 1
- Birds -- Burma 1
- Birds -- Collection and preservation 1
- Birds -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
- Birds -- Ecuador -- Catalogs and collections 1
- Birds -- Guyana 1
- Birds -- Kenya 1
- Birds -- Nests 1
- Birds -- Peru 1
- Diaries 1
- Game protection -- United States 1
- Honeyguides. 1
- Hunting -- United States -- Public opinion 1
- Hunting guns 1
- Mammals -- Classification 1
- Mammals -- Classification -- History. 1
- Mammals -- Collection and preservation 1
- Mammals -- Exhibitions 1
- Museum construction 1
- Museum curators -- United States -- History. 1
- Museum directors -- New York (State) -- New York -- Correspondence 1
- Museum exhibits 1
- Natural history -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
- Natural history museums -- Employees 1
- Natural history museums -- New York (State) -- New York -- Exhibitions 1
- Natural history museums -- United States -- History. 1
- North America 1
- Ornithologists -- Correspondence. 1
- Ornithologists -- United States -- Correspondence 1
- Ornithology -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
- Ornithology -- United States 1
- Scientific expeditions -- Arctic regions 1
- Scientific expeditions -- Russia (Federation) -- Siberia 1
- Voyages and travels 1
- Zoologists -- United States -- Correspondence 1 ∧ less
- Names
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Ornithology 20
- American Museum of Natural History 5
- Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 5
- Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 3
- Dutcher, William, 1846-1920 2
- Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, 1874-1927 2
- Jaques, Francis Lee, 1887-1969 2
- Smith, Herbert H. (Herbert Huntington), 1851-1919 2
- Steere, Joseph Beal, 1842-1940 2
- Tate, G. H. H. (George Henry Hamilton), 1894-1953 2
- Trimm, H. Wayne 2
- Allen, J. A. (Joel Asaph), 1838-1921 1
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Mammalogy 1
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Preparation and Installation 1
- Anderson, Sydney, 1927- 1
- Anthony, H. E. (Harold Elmer), 1890-1970 1
- Bangs, Outram, 1862-1932 1
- Bartlett, Bob, 1875-1946 1
- Beck, Rollo Howard, 1870-1950 1
- Beebe, William, 1877-1962 1
- Birckhead, Hugh 1
- Brewster-Sanford Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1912-1917) 1
- Brooklyn Museum 1
- Buxton, N. G. (Norman G.) 1
- Caldwell, Keith 1
- Carter, T. Donald (Thomas Donald), 1893 1
- Chapin Field Trip to the Eastern Congo (1953-1958) 1
- Chapman, Clark R. 1
- Cherrie, George Kruck, 1865-1946 1
- Clark, James L. (James Lippitt), 1883-1969 1
- Cockerell, Theodore D. A. (Theodore Dru Alison), 1866-1948 1
- Crocker, Templeton, 1884-1948 1
- Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882 1
- Day Roraima Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1927-1928) 1
- Dwight, Jonathan, 1858-1929 1
- Elliot, Daniel Giraud, 1835-1915 1
- Faunthorpe-Vernay Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1922-1923) 1
- Foster, Lyman Spalding 1
- Gill, Geoffrey 1
- Gilliard, E. Thomas (Ernest Thomas), 1912-1965 1
- Greenewalt, Crawford H., 1902-1993 1
- Griscom, Ludlow, 1890-1959 1
- Hornaday, William T. (William Temple), 1854-1937 1
- Iredale, Tom, 1880-1972 1
- Jesup North Pacific Expedition (1897-1902) 1
- Jesup, Morris K. (Morris Ketchum), 1830-1908 1
- Land, Hugh C., 1929-1968 1
- Lang, Herbert, 1879-1957 1
- Lawrence, George N. (George Newbold), 1806-1895 1
- Linnaean Society of New York 1
- Macmillan, Lindsay 1
- Malbrant, René, 1903-1961 1
- Manuel, Canuto Guevarra, 1902- 1
- Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005 1
- Menden, J. J. 1
- Meng, Heinz 1
- Merriam, C. Hart (Clinton Hart), 1855-1942 1
- Miller, Gerrit S. (Gerrit Smith), 1869-1956 1
- Miller, Waldron DeWitt, 1879-1929 1
- National Association of Audubon Societies for the Protection of Wild Birds and Animals 1
- New York Zoological Park 1
- Nunn, Gary B. 1
- Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935 1
- Pearson, T. Gilbert (Thomas Gilbert), 1873-1943 1
- Phelps, Kathleen D. de, 1908-2001 1
- Phipps-Bradley Expedition (1932-1933) 1
- Rothschild, Lionel Walter Rothschild, Baron, 1868-1937 1
- Rowley, J. Stuart 1
- Sage West China Expedition (1934) 1
- Sage, Dean, Jr. 1
- Seidel, Alexander 1
- Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946 1
- Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 1
- Sloss, Richard 1
- Steere Expedition (1887-1888) 1
- Taylor Sudan Expedition (1926-1927) 1
- Thomas, Oldfield, 1858-1929 1
- Underwood, Cecil F. 1
- Uruguay Expedition (1959-1963) 1
- Van Buren, Chester G., 1875-1928 1
- Vernay, Arthur Stannard, 1877-1960 1
- Watkins, Harry (Ornithologist) 1
- Weyer, Edward Moffat, 1904-1998 1
- Woodruff, Lewis B. 1
- Zimmer, John T. (John Todd), 1889-1957 1
- Ziska, Helen 1 ∧ less