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Showing Collections: 241 - 250 of 275

The Snyder East African expedition

Identifier: Film Collection no. 277
Scope and Contents The Snyder East African Expedition was sponsored and led by Harry Snyder, sportsman and patron of the AMNH. The staff included George Gilbert Goodwin, AMNH assistant curator of mammals, who also photographed the expedition; John A. Hunter, white hunter; and Colonel A. J. Macnab, President of the Camp Fire Club of America and a firearms expert. They went to collect mammals and to explore territory southwest of the Taita District in Kenya. Geographically, this film contains scenes of the Voi...
Dates: 1938

The story of cortisone

Identifier: Film Collection no. 86
Scope and Contents The subject of the program is the discovery of cortisone as a treatment for arthritis. Studies indicate that symptoms of arthritis can be traced back to prehistoric dinosaurs. Dinosaur fossils from the Jurassic period of more that 150 million years ago, show signs of arthritis. A painful disease for both men and women through the ages, arthritis continues to afflict modern man. It was not until chemist Edward Calvin Kendall and physician Philip Showalter Hench discovered cortisone that...
Dates: 1954

The story of Marco Polo ; Campa ; Drums

Identifier: Film Collection no. 76
Scope and Contents SEGMENT 1: The Story of Marco Polo. Eleanor Roosevelt is the honored guest on this Adventure broadcast. She narrates a documentary on Marco Polo's expeditions, and recounts her own experiences in the Orient. She also presents illustrations of what Marco Polo encountered during his travels. SEGMENT 2: Campa Indians. Harry Tschopik, assistant curator of ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History, describes the careful negotiations which take place with native people to record their...
Dates: 1954

The Stouts in Africa

Identifier: Film Collection no. 280
Scope and Contents

Traveling to sites in Kenya, such as the Shima Hills, Tsavo River, Samburu, and Lake Nakuru, Gardner D. Stout, AMNH President from 1968 to 1975, and his wife, Clare, filmed many birds and mammals indigenous to the area. There is extensive, well-photographed footage of the birds and mammals of the region.

Dates: 1972

The Sudan

Identifier: Film Collection no. 51
Scope and Contents This show begins by examining the type of African films presented to the public, presenting as examples a clip of Simba, King of Beasts and Hollywood versions of African life. The main presentation, however, is an excerpt from The Pagan Sudan, a film made by Edgar Monsanto Queeny, AMNH trustee and chairman of the board of Monsanto Chemical Company. The film carefully depicts the country and its inhabitants, including the Madis and the Dinkas. The Madis are seen spearing a hippopotamus in a...
Dates: 1953

The Templeton Crocker Expedition

Identifier: Film Collection no. 161
Scope and Contents Filmed during the Templeton Crocker Expedition to the Solomon Islands, 1933. The objective of the Templeton Crocker Expedition, led by Crocker, was to conduct a preliminary medical, ethnological and natural history survey of the Solomon Islands. This film consists predominantly of ethnographic footage depicting the native clothing, trade, rituals and everyday activities on the various islands. The expedition traveled from island to island in Crocker's ship, the Zaca. The following islands...
Dates: 1933

The time of man

Identifier: Film Collection no. 281
Scope and Contents Time of Man ends with AMNH anthropologist Harry L. Shapiro, renowned primatologist and author, posing the question of man's ability to develop a wisdom which will allow him to maintain his environment and survive. The main question being presented here is, "Can man survive?" The film opens with primates in the jungle and cuts to shots of automobiles in crowded cities choked by air pollution. The film presents man as an endangered species and, through film clips and interviews with AMNH...
Dates: 1968

The Tomas of West Africa ; Birdwatching ; Troy

Identifier: Film Collection no. 80
Scope and Contents SEGMENT 1: The Tomas of West Africa. The Tomas of Liberia and Sierra Leone, Africa are depicted in a film based on the book Sacred Forest, with special emphasis on their rituals and sacrifices, including male and female initiations. Another film on the Toma people is shown. Made by missionaries, this film depicts weaving, playing games, fishing, preparing food, playing music, parading for an inauguration, and dancing for various ceremonial rituals. Joseph Moore, an anthropology professor at...
Dates: 1954

The Vernay-Cutting Expedition to Burma

Identifier: Film Collection no. 167
Scope and Contents Filmed during the Vernay-Cutting Expedition to Burma, 1938. The Vernay-Cutting Expedition to Burma was organized for the purpose of collecting zoological and botanical specimens for the AMNH, the New York Botanical Garden, the Kensington Museum of London (probably the British Museum of Natural History), Kew Gardens, and the Bombay Natural History Society. The international staff included co-leaders and AMNH trustees Arthur Stannard Vernay and Charles Suydam Cutting, AMNH mammalogist Harold...
Dates: 1938

The Vernay deer group

Identifier: Film Collection no. 284
Scope and Contents Partly filmed during the AMNH Faunthorpe-Vernay Indian Expedition, 1922-1923. The scenes at the opening of The Vernay Deer Group were edited from footage taken by filmmaker George M. Dyott during the AMNH Faunthorpe-Vernay Indian Expedition to create Jungle Life in India. However, several of the opening shots, including those of does, a stag, gazelles, a cheetah, and a muntjac appear only in this film, and not in Jungle Life in India. In the swamps of the Oudh plains, howdah and pad...
Dates: 1923-1927

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Moving Images 274
Scientific expeditions -- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) 3
Anthropologists -- New York (State) -- New York 2
Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) -- Description and travel 2
Natural history museums -- New York (State) -- New York -- Employees 2
∨ more
Naturalists -- New York (State) -- New York 2
Scientific expeditions -- Asia, Central 2
Scientific expeditions -- Mongolia 2
Aerial photographs 1
Aerial photography -- Peru 1
Afghanistan -- Antiquities 1
Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Inuya River Region -- Agriculture 1
Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Social life and customs 1
Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region -- Agriculture 1
Animals -- Australia 1
Antarctica -- Description and travel 1
Apatosaurus 1
Archaeology -- Afghanistan 1
Astronomical instruments 1
Atlantic salmon fishing -- Canada -- Blue Water Bay 1
Bali (Indonesia : Province) -- Social life and customs 1
Bees -- Behavior 1
Beijing (China) -- Description and travel 1
Birds -- Brazil -- Collection and preservation 1
Body marking 1
Body painting -- Cameroon 1
Body painting -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region 1
Body piercing 1
Cameroon -- Social life and customs 1
Chimpanzees -- Behavior 1
Chimpanzees -- Training 1
Cinematographers -- Belgium 1
Common wallaroo -- Australia 1
Cosmetics 1
Courtship in animals 1
Dance -- Cameroon 1
Dance -- Indonesia -- Bali (Province) 1
Dinka (African people) -- Social life and customs 1
Dinosaurs 1
Diorama 1
Djuka people -- Antiquities 1
Djuka people -- Civilization 1
Djuka people -- History -- 18th century 1
Eggs -- Incubation 1
Elands -- Collection and preservation 1
Ethnology -- Cameroon 1
Ethnology -- Pitcairn Island 1
Ethnology -- Polynesia 1
Ethnology -- Sudan 1
Etna, Mount (Italy) 1
Excavations (Archaeology) -- Afghanistan 1
Extinct mammals -- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) 1
Fishes -- Reproduction 1
Fishing -- Great Lakes (North America) 1
Garden ecology 1
Gem cutting 1
Gorilla 1
Gorilla -- Behavior 1
Guano 1
Hairstyles 1
Harems -- Afghanistan 1
Harvest festivals -- Peru 1
Hornbills -- Africa, East 1
Hunting -- Africa, East 1
Hunting -- South America 1
Hurricanes 1
Igloos 1
Indian dance -- Southwest, New 1
Indian textile fabrics -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region 1
Indian weapons -- Peru -- Ucalyi River Region 1
Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Rites and ceremonies 1
Insect pests 1
Insects 1
Interplanetary voyages 1
Inuya River (Peru) 1
Jaguar -- South America 1
Jungle animals -- Africa, East 1
Kamaiurá Indians -- Brazil -- Mato Grosso (State) 1
Khalkha (Mongolian people) 1
Korea -- Description and travel 1
Koreans 1
Kruger National Park (South Africa) 1
Lampreys -- Great Lakes (North America) 1
Lion -- Behavior 1
Lion -- Folklore 1
Lion -- Food 1
Mammals -- Brazil -- Collection and preservation 1
Mato Grosso (Brazil : State) -- Description and travel 1
Meshie (Chimpanzee) 1
Mongolia -- Antiquities 1
Mongols -- Dwellings 1
Moon 1
Motion picture producers and directors -- Belgium 1
Natural history -- Asia, Central. 1
Nature study -- New York (State) -- New York. 1
Naxi (Chinese people) 1
Neolithic period -- Mongolia 1
Nile River -- Description and travel 1
Ocean travel 1
∧ less
English 272
Undetermined 1
American Museum of Natural History 135
Columbia Broadcasting System, inc. 118
CBS/AMNH Adventure Series (1953-1956) 17
Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960 6
Central Asiatic Expeditions Films (1921-1930) 6
∨ more
Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) 5
Shackelford, James B. 5
Ekholm, Gordon F. (Gordon Frederick), 1909-1987 4
Forrester, Frank H. 3
Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1887-1973 3
RKO Pictures 3
Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 3
Asaeda, Toshio 2
Bogert, Charles M. (Charles Mitchill), 1908-1992 2
Chamberlain, Joseph Miles 2
Coles, Charles, 1917-2013 2
Denis, Michaela 2
Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals 1
Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926 1
Akeley, Mary L. Jobe (Mary Lenore Jobe), 1878-1966 1
Akeley-Eastman-Pomeroy African Hall Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1926-1927) 1
American Legion (Steamship) 1
Andrews Whaling Expedition to Japan and Korea of the American Museum of Natural History (1911-1912) 1
Andrews, Yvette Borup 1
Anthony, H. E. (Harold Elmer), 1890-1970 1
Asiatic Zoölogical Expedition (1st : 1916-1917) 1
Baltimore Zoo (Baltimore, Md.) 1
Barry, Catherine E. 1
Bateson, Gregory, 1904-1980 1
Blakely, Dudley Moore, 1902-1982 1
Buchsbaum, Ralph Morris, 1907-2002 1
Bugniet, R. 1
Carneiro, Robert L. (Robert Leonard), 1927- 1
Cazier, Mont A. 1
Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 1
Cherrie, George Kruck, 1865-1946 1
Christie, Ernest J. 1
Clark, Eugenie 1
Clark, James L. (James Lippitt), 1883-1969 1
Colbert, Edwin H. (Edwin Harris), 1905-2001 1
Columbia University-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Africa (1929-1931) 1
Crocker, Templeton, 1884-1948 1
Cutting, C. Suydam (Charles Suydam), 1889-1972 1
DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. 1
Department of Education 1
Dole, Gertrude Evelyn, 1915-2001 1
Dutcher, Irving 1
E. J. Mauther 1
Fairservis, Walter Ashlin, 1921-1994 1
Fawcett, Brian 1
Fawcett, Percy Harrison, 1867-1925? 1
Field Expedition to Brazil (1926) 1
Field, Marshall, 1893-1956 1
Fisher, Clyde, 1878-1949 1
France. Ministère des colonies 1
General Electric Company 1
Goodwin, George Gilbert 1
Granger, Myron I. 1
Hall of Early Mammals 1
Hayden Planetarium-Grace Peruvian Eclipse Expedition (1937) 1
Heller, Edmund, 1875-1939 1
Heyerdahl, Thor 1
Hope, John William, 1889-1982 1
Instituto Butantan 1
Ipyranga (Ship) 1
Jansson, Arthur August, 1890-1960 1
Kahn, Morton C. (Morton Charles), 1896-1959 1
Leigh, William Robinson, 1866-1955 1
Lennon, R. E. (Robert E.) 1
Mason, Brian (Brian Harold), 1917-2009 1
Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 1
Myron I. Granger Archaeological Expedition to Peru and Ecuador (1930) 1
National Film Board of Canada 1
Nelson, N. C. (Nels Christian), 1875-1964 1
O'Donnell, Charles Oliver 1
O'Donnell-Clark African Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1931) 1
Olsen, George, d. 1939 1
Olson, Ronald L. (Ronald Leroy), 1895-1979 1
Orttung, Jane Raven 1
Pallister, John 1
Parr, Albert Eide, 1900-1991 1
Pough, Frederick H. 1
Pough, Richard H. (Richard Hooper), 1904-2003 1
Raddatz, Richard 1
Ralston Purina Company 1
Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 1
Rockwell, Robert H. 1
Romanoff, Alexis Lawrence, 1892-1980 1
Runcie Stockhausen, Walter Osborne, 1881-1966 1
Schneirla, T. C. (Theodore Christian), 1902-1968 1
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946 1
Shippee, Robert 1
Shippee-Johnson Peruvian Expedition (1931) 1
Siemel, Sasha 1
Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 1
Stout, Clare 1
Stout, Gardner D. 1
Templeton Crocker Pacific Expedition (1st : 1934-1935) 1
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1
Wang, Hao-t'ing 1
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