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Showing Collections: 121 - 130 of 345

Experimental Biology photographs

Identifier: PPC .N63
Scope and Contents

Photographs used for lectures and exhibits. Many graphs and diagrams, images of animal behavior experiments.

Dates: 1931-1940

F. E. Huddles Eruption of Mount Pelee photographs

Identifier: PPC .H83
Scope and Contents

Prints of the eruption of Mount Pelee and the surrounding areas.

Dates: 1902

F. Wisner Hawaiian photographs

Identifier: PPC .W565
Scope and Contents

Photographs includes Hula dancers, Waikiki, Kona, Hanalei Valley, Kuai, volcanoes, etc.

Dates: circa 1880-1890

Family photo album

Identifier: PPC .N36
Scope and Contents

Photo album with identification other than "[Long] Beach" and "Nantucket Beach." Additional photos of Washington, D.C. and possibly New York City(?).

Dates: [191-]

F.E Lutz butterly photographs.

Identifier: PPC .L88
Scope and Contents

Ultraviolet photographs of flowers and butterflies.

Dates: undated

F.E. Lutz Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Cuba photographs

Identifier: PPC .L882
Scope and Contents

Field photographs of Cuba, including landscapes, people, and buildings.

Dates: 1913

F.E. Lutz Western United States travel photographs

Identifier: PPC .L881
Scope and Contents

Travel photographs of Western USA, including Colorado, Idaho, Utah.

Dates: 1916-1920

Fernando La Rosa Peruvian art and archaeology photographs

Identifier: PPC .L371
Scope and Contents

Photographs of Peruvian art and archaeology, including Templo de Chovin.

Dates: undated

Field photgraphs of the Colombian Expedition

Identifier: PPC .M55
Scope and Contents

Field photographs of Colombia

Dates: 1911-1912

Field photographs and portraits from the Stoll-McCracken Siberian Arctic Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History

Identifier: PPC .S75
Scope and Contents

Ethnographic prints, photographs on cardstock, including a dall porpoise.

Dates: 1928

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  • Repository: Museum Archives at the Gottesman Research Library X
  • Subject: Photographic Print Collection X

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Greenland 2
Kenya 2
Kikuyu (African people) 2
Arctic regions -- Discovery and exploration 1
Art, African 1
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American Museum of Natural History 17
Morden, William J. (William James), 1886-1958 15
Hovey, Edmund Otis, 1862-1924 12
Fisher, Clyde, 1878-1949 8
Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1887-1973 6
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Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926 5
Clark, James L. (James Lippitt), 1883-1969 4
Ellsworth, Lincoln, 1880-1951 4
Klein, Alfred J. 4
Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus), 1852-1929 4
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935 4
Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960 3
Beals, Jessie Tarbox 3
Brown, Barnum 3
Carpenter, William Benjamin, 1813-1885 3
Carter, T. Donald (Thomas Donald), 1893 3
Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 3
Chubb, S. Harmsted (Samuel Harmsted), 1863-1949 3
Lutz, Frank Eugene, 1879-1943 3
Nelson, N. C. (Nels Christian), 1875-1964 3
Vernay, Arthur Stannard, 1877-1960 3
Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873 2
Ata, Te 2
Bickmore, Albert S. (Albert Smith), 1839-1914 2
Bird, Junius Bouton, 1907-1982 2
Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 2
Burden East Indian Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1926) 2
Burden, W. Douglas (William Douglas), 1898-1978 2
Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 2
Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) 2
Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 2
Correia, José G., 1881-1954 2
Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917) 2
Day Roraima Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1927-1928) 2
Department of Animal Behavior 2
Department of Exhibition 2
Gilliard, E. Thomas (Ernest Thomas), 1912-1965 2
Gould, Richard A. 2
Gregory, William K. (William King), 1876-1970 2
Hayden Planetarium 2
Irma and Paul Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life 2
Lang, Herbert, 1879-1957 2
Laufer, Berthold, 1874-1934 2
Legendre, Sidney Jennings, 1903-1948 2
Lerner, Michael, 1890-1978 2
Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 2
Miller, Leo E. (Leo Edward), 1887-1952 2
Pond, Alonzo William, 1894-1986 2
Rainey, Froelich G. (Froelich Gladstone), 1907-1992 2
Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 2
Root, Nina J. 2
Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 2
Van Gelder, Richard George, 1928-1994 2
Watson, Frank E. 2
Weyer, Edward Moffat, 1904-1998 2
Afghan Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (2nd : 1950-1951) 1
Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals 1
Akeley, Mary L. Jobe (Mary Lenore Jobe), 1878-1966 1
Allen, J. A. (Joel Asaph), 1838-1921 1
Allen, Jerome Lee, 1891-1955 1
American Museum Congo Expedition (1909-1915) 1
Amundsen, Roald, 1872-1928 1
Andrews, Yvette Borup 1
Archbold Biological Station 1
Arth, Malcolm, 1939-1992 1
Asiatic Expedition (2nd : 1918-1919) 1
Austerlitz, Robert, 1923-1994 1
Australian Expedition (1st : 1921-1922) 1
Avinoff, Andrey, 1884-1949 1
Bartlett, Bob, 1875-1946 1
Baynes, Ernest Harold, 1868-1925 1
Beach, Frank A. (Frank Ambrose), 1911-1988 1
Beck, Rollo Howard, 1870-1950 1
Bernheimer, Charles L. (Charles Leopold), 1864-1944 1
Boekelman, Henry J. 1
Brewster-Sanford Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1912-1917) 1
Butler, Frederick B. 1
Central African Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1947-1948) 1
Chapman Colombian Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1911-1912) 1
Cipriani, Lidio, 1894-1962 1
Coles, Charles, 1917-2013 1
Crampton, Henry Edward, 1875-1956 1
Crocker, Templeton, 1884-1948 1
Cutting, C. Suydam (Charles Suydam), 1889-1972 1
Department of Education 1
Dyer, Walter Gurnee 1
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 1
Ekblaw, W. Elmer (Walter Elmer), 1882-1949 1
Faunthorpe-Vernay Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1922-1923) 1
Field Museum of Natural History 1
Foster, Robert 1
Gardner D. Stout Hall of Asian Peoples 1
Glass, Aaron 1
Griscom, Ludlow, 1890-1959 1
Hatcher, J. B. (John Bell), 1861-1904 1
Hiss, Philip Hanson, 1910-1988 1
Hunt, Harrison J., 1878-1967 1
Hyde Exploring Expedition 1
Hyde, B. T. B. (Benjamin Talbot Babbitt), d. 1933 1
Jacob H. Schiff Chinese Expedition (1901-1904) 1
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