Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 274
1940 Arizona expedition
Identifier: Film Collection no. 250
Scope and Contents
Filmed during the AMNH Arizona Expedition, 1940. Richard Archbold, AMNH research associate in mammalogy, organized this six-month-long expedition to collect all the elements for an Arizona group for the museum's Hall of North American Mammals. Animal behavior experiments were also conducted. Archbold was accompanied by A. L. Rand, AMNH research associate in ornithology, and photographer J. Lichtenfels. Expedition staff members are introduced in the film's opening sequence. Scenes of the...
The $2,000,000 J.P. Morgan gem collection ; Lampreys ; Antarctic animals
Identifier: Film Collection no. 32
Scope and Contents
SEGMENT 1: The $2,000,000 J. P. Morgan Gem Collection. Brian Mason, AMNH curator of physical geology and mineralogy, describes the museum's collection of gems, which consists of diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds. Mason discusses how these gems were cut and polished, using films produced by DeBeers Consolidated Mines Ltd. and E. J. Mauther. The reasons why the stones are so valuable are also examined. SEGMENT 2: Lampreys. Lampreys and their detrimental effect on the fishing industry in...
A day with John Burroughs
Identifier: Film Collection no. 171
Scope and Contents
John Burroughs (1837-1921), author and naturalist, is filmed going about his daily routine at his home, Woodchuck Lodge, in the Catskill Mountains. This film is unique for the time as it was filmed in color; it is the earliest color film in the collection. It was made using a process called "prizma" color, in which both sides of the positive film were coated with emulsion; one side was dyed blue and green, the other side red and yellow. When projected together the image is in natural color...
A little journey through Iran
Identifier: Film Collection no. 183
Scope and Contents
A Little Journey through Iran is a record of the Dyers' travels through that country. Included in the film are magnificent shots of the Tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae, and the tombs of the other Achaemeni kings, Darius I, Darius II and Xerxes, and the nearby ruins of Persepolis. The Dyers also visited and filmed Esfahan, Shiraz, and the port city of Bandar Abbas, where the Sea of Oman and the Persian Gulf meet. Footage of Persian women in brightly colored clothes and veils, an oasis...
Identifier: Film Collection no. 163
Scope and Contents
Filmed during the Field Museum-Chicago Daily News Abyssinian Expedition, 1926-1927. The film was made by Charles Suydam Cutting, with the assistance of scientist Alfred M. Bailey. The expedition party also included Louis Agassiz Fuertes, the noted ornithologist and artist, who was killed shortly after this expedition in a tragic automobiletrain collision. The film opens with Arussi Galla women washing themselves and their clothes in the river Awash. Scientists are seen in camp and, as James...
Admiralty Islands
Identifier: Film Collection no. 63
Scope and Contents
Margaret Mead, AMNH anthropologist, discusses the sociological, economic, cultural, and political changes that have taken place on Manus in the Admiralty Islands in the twenty-five years between her first and second visits. Photographs and artifacts from the first trip are shown, along with a film taken in 1953 which includes newsreels of American troops landing on the island.
Identifier: Film Collection no. 109
Scope and Contents
The topic of discussion for this broadcast is the concept of adventure. After a brief examination of the various meanings of the word, three feature films are shown to illustrate different types of adventure. Robert Cushman Murphy, AMNH ornithologist, joins host Charles Romine to narrate the program. The first film shows carnivorous plants indigenous to bogs and marshes, especially the Venus's fly trap and pitcher plant, devouring insects. This film was made by Dr. Harlow of the New York...
Adventures on the Upper Nile
Identifier: Film Collection no. 2
Scope and Contents
Charles Oliver O'Donnell (AMNH fellow) and James Lippitt Clark (AMNH vice-director of preparation and exhibition) traveled by steamer, in 1931, up the Nile from Khartoum to Shambe in the Sudan to collect giant eland for the AMNH Hall of African Mammals. Most of the footage was taken from the steamer, and consists of panoramic views of life along the Nile, and of the activities of the expedition staff and the shikaris (native hunters) on board ship. Expedition staff appearing in the film are:...
Afghanistan archaeology ; Chicken egg embryo
Identifier: Film Collection no. 34
Scope and Contents
SEGMENT 1: Afghanistan Archaeology. Walter Ashlin Fairservis, archaeologist at the AMNH, discusses archaeological findings in Afghanistan. While on an archaeological tour in Afghanistan, he and his wife, Jan, discovered considerable evidence of ancient civilization in this region. Films of Afghan desert life include a contemporary analysis of harems. Jan Fairservis is seen in the television studio discussing various pieces of a harem costume. SEGMENT 2: Chicken Egg Embryo. In this segment...
African safari
Identifier: Film Collection no. 100
Scope and Contents
Harold E. Anthony, chairman and curator of the museum's Department of Mammals, and Charles Collingwood, narrator, take television viewers on a safari to Africa in this broadcast. Anthony, a noted animal collector, stresses the importance of safari techniques that bring back live animals for scientific study. Dioramas in the Akeley Hall of African Mammals at the museum are presented during the discussion. Several film excerpts are shown, including the lion spearing episode from Simba, King of...
Filtered By
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- Scientific expeditions -- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) 3
- Anthropologists -- New York (State) -- New York 2
- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) -- Description and travel 2
- Natural history museums -- New York (State) -- New York -- Employees 2
- Naturalists -- New York (State) -- New York 2
- Scientific expeditions -- Asia, Central 2
- Scientific expeditions -- Mongolia 2
- Afghanistan -- Antiquities 1
- Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Inuya River Region -- Agriculture 1
- Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Social life and customs 1
- Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region -- Agriculture 1
- Animals -- Australia 1
- Antarctica -- Description and travel 1
- Apatosaurus 1
- Archaeology -- Afghanistan 1
- Astronomical instruments 1
- Atlantic salmon fishing -- Canada -- Blue Water Bay 1
- Bali (Indonesia : Province) -- Social life and customs 1
- Bees -- Behavior 1
- Beijing (China) -- Description and travel 1
- Birds -- Brazil -- Collection and preservation 1
- Body marking 1
- Body painting -- Cameroon 1
- Body painting -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region 1
- Body piercing 1
- Cameroon -- Social life and customs 1
- Chimpanzees -- Behavior 1
- Chimpanzees -- Training 1
- Cinematographers -- Belgium 1
- Common wallaroo -- Australia 1
- Cosmetics 1
- Courtship in animals 1
- Dance -- Cameroon 1
- Dance -- Indonesia -- Bali (Province) 1
- Dinka (African people) -- Social life and customs 1
- Dinosaurs 1
- Diorama 1
- Djuka people -- Antiquities 1
- Djuka people -- Civilization 1
- Djuka people -- History -- 18th century 1
- Eggs -- Incubation 1
- Elands -- Collection and preservation 1
- Ethnology -- Cameroon 1
- Ethnology -- Pitcairn Island 1
- Ethnology -- Polynesia 1
- Ethnology -- Sudan 1
- Etna, Mount (Italy) 1
- Excavations (Archaeology) -- Afghanistan 1
- Extinct mammals -- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) 1
- Fishes -- Reproduction 1
- Fishing -- Great Lakes (North America) 1
- Garden ecology 1
- Gem cutting 1
- Gorilla 1
- Gorilla -- Behavior 1
- Guano 1
- Hairstyles 1
- Harems -- Afghanistan 1
- Harvest festivals -- Peru 1
- Hornbills -- Africa, East 1
- Hunting -- Africa, East 1
- Hunting -- South America 1
- Hurricanes 1
- Igloos 1
- Indian dance -- Southwest, New 1
- Indian textile fabrics -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region 1
- Indian weapons -- Peru -- Ucalyi River Region 1
- Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Rites and ceremonies 1
- Insect pests 1
- Insects 1
- Interplanetary voyages 1
- Inuya River (Peru) 1
- Jaguar -- South America 1
- Jungle animals -- Africa, East 1
- Kamaiurá Indians -- Brazil -- Mato Grosso (State) 1
- Khalkha (Mongolian people) 1
- Korea -- Description and travel 1
- Koreans 1
- Kruger National Park (South Africa) 1
- Lampreys -- Great Lakes (North America) 1
- Lion -- Behavior 1
- Lion -- Folklore 1
- Lion -- Food 1
- Mammals -- Brazil -- Collection and preservation 1
- Mato Grosso (Brazil : State) -- Description and travel 1
- Meshie (Chimpanzee) 1
- Mongolia -- Antiquities 1
- Mongols -- Dwellings 1
- Moon 1
- Motion picture producers and directors -- Belgium 1
- Natural history -- Asia, Central. 1
- Nature study -- New York (State) -- New York. 1
- Naxi (Chinese people) 1
- Neolithic period -- Mongolia 1
- Nile River -- Description and travel 1
- Ocean travel 1
- Ornamental hairwork -- Cameroon 1
- Otters -- Behavior 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 271
- Undetermined 1
- Names
- American Museum of Natural History 135
- Columbia Broadcasting System, inc. 118
- CBS/AMNH Adventure Series (1953-1956) 17
- Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960 6
- Central Asiatic Expeditions Films (1921-1930) 6
- Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) 5
- Shackelford, James B. 5
- Ekholm, Gordon F. (Gordon Frederick), 1909-1987 4
- Forrester, Frank H. 3
- Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1887-1973 3
- RKO Pictures 3
- Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 3
- Asaeda, Toshio 2
- Bogert, Charles M. (Charles Mitchill), 1908-1992 2
- Chamberlain, Joseph Miles 2
- Coles, Charles, 1917-2013 2
- Denis, Michaela 2
- Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals 1
- Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926 1
- Akeley, Mary L. Jobe (Mary Lenore Jobe), 1878-1966 1
- Akeley-Eastman-Pomeroy African Hall Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1926-1927) 1
- American Legion (Steamship) 1
- Andrews Whaling Expedition to Japan and Korea of the American Museum of Natural History (1911-1912) 1
- Andrews, Yvette Borup 1
- Anthony, H. E. (Harold Elmer), 1890-1970 1
- Asiatic Zoölogical Expedition (1st : 1916-1917) 1
- Baltimore Zoo (Baltimore, Md.) 1
- Barry, Catherine E. 1
- Bateson, Gregory, 1904-1980 1
- Blakely, Dudley Moore, 1902-1982 1
- Buchsbaum, Ralph Morris, 1907-2002 1
- Bugniet, R. 1
- Carneiro, Robert L. (Robert Leonard), 1927- 1
- Cazier, Mont A. 1
- Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 1
- Cherrie, George Kruck, 1865-1946 1
- Christie, Ernest J. 1
- Clark, Eugenie 1
- Clark, James L. (James Lippitt), 1883-1969 1
- Colbert, Edwin H. (Edwin Harris), 1905-2001 1
- Columbia University-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Africa (1929-1931) 1
- Crocker, Templeton, 1884-1948 1
- Cutting, C. Suydam (Charles Suydam), 1889-1972 1
- DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. 1
- Department of Education 1
- Dole, Gertrude Evelyn, 1915-2001 1
- Dutcher, Irving 1
- E. J. Mauther 1
- Fairservis, Walter Ashlin, 1921-1994 1
- Fawcett, Brian 1
- Fawcett, Percy Harrison, 1867-1925? 1
- Field Expedition to Brazil (1926) 1
- Field, Marshall, 1893-1956 1
- Fisher, Clyde, 1878-1949 1
- France. Ministère des colonies 1
- General Electric Company 1
- Goodwin, George Gilbert 1
- Granger, Myron I. 1
- Hall of Early Mammals 1
- Hayden Planetarium-Grace Peruvian Eclipse Expedition (1937) 1
- Heller, Edmund, 1875-1939 1
- Heyerdahl, Thor 1
- Hope, John William, 1889-1982 1
- Instituto Butantan 1
- Ipyranga (Ship) 1
- Jansson, Arthur August, 1890-1960 1
- Kahn, Morton C. (Morton Charles), 1896-1959 1
- Leigh, William Robinson, 1866-1955 1
- Lennon, R. E. (Robert E.) 1
- Mason, Brian (Brian Harold), 1917-2009 1
- Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 1
- Myron I. Granger Archaeological Expedition to Peru and Ecuador (1930) 1
- National Film Board of Canada 1
- Nelson, N. C. (Nels Christian), 1875-1964 1
- O'Donnell, Charles Oliver 1
- O'Donnell-Clark African Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1931) 1
- Olsen, George, d. 1939 1
- Olson, Ronald L. (Ronald Leroy), 1895-1979 1
- Orttung, Jane Raven 1
- Pallister, John 1
- Parr, Albert Eide, 1900-1991 1
- Pough, Frederick H. 1
- Pough, Richard H. (Richard Hooper), 1904-2003 1
- Raddatz, Richard 1
- Ralston Purina Company 1
- Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 1
- Rockwell, Robert H. 1
- Romanoff, Alexis Lawrence, 1892-1980 1
- Schneirla, T. C. (Theodore Christian), 1902-1968 1
- Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946 1
- Siemel, Sasha 1
- Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 1
- Stout, Clare 1
- Stout, Gardner D. 1
- Templeton Crocker Pacific Expedition (1st : 1934-1935) 1
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1
- Wang, Hao-t'ing 1
- Weyer, Edward Moffat, 1904-1998 1
- Wilner Film and Slides 1
- Woodcraft Indian Trip to the Southwest of the American Museum of Natural History (1927) 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more