Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 27
Field and Expedition Equipment
William King Gregory papers, 1889-1948 (bulk 1906-1948)
[Illustrations for "Birds of the Belgian Congo"].
James Chapin (1890-1964) / Back "H 1925"
Portrait bust of James Chapin, AMNH ornithologist and explorer.
James Chapin photographic slide collection
Mostly consists of field photographs from the Belgian Congo including birds, nests, large mammals, lakes, general landscape and buildings. Also includes pictures of colleagues and/or family, Pygmies and a Pygmy dance, Watusi dance and some images showing the preparation for the Ross Expedition (1957). A few slides taken in the United States, primarily California.
James Chapin photographic slide collection
Photographs from the Chapin Collection taken mostly in Africa, including Senegal, Belgian Congo, Rwanda, and a few photographs from the United States, including Carl Akeley's grave. Images of birds, birds' nests, flowering trees, indigenous people, colleagues, and family.
James P. Chapin African bibliography
Files on James Paul Chapin's bibliography on Africa. Titles referenced in the files are from the 18th through 20th centuries.
James P. Chapin collection
Collection of Christmas cards from and to James Paul Chapin, watercolors, drawings, "colophons" (referenced as colophons but are actually hand drawn illustrations and considered a device), bookplates, cartoons, envelopes with Chapin illustrations. Subject matter mostly birds, also images of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and plants. Includes watercolors done by Chapin for the American Museum Congo Expedition (1909-1915).
James P. Chapin collection
James P. Chapin Congo bibliography
This collection is comprised of James Paul Chapin's bibliography files on the Democratic Republic of Congo. One drawer contains files on books solely about Kivu, a region of the Congo. Titles referenced in the files are from the 20th century.
Filtered By
- Names: Chapin, James Paul, 1889-1964 X
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Additional filters:
- Repository
- Museum Archives at the Gottesman Research Library 15
- Department of Ornithology Archives 12
- Subject
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Ornithology. Archives. 12
- Manuscript Collection 6
- Art Survey 3
- Congo (Democratic Republic) 3
- Scientific expeditions 3
- Arctic regions -- Discovery and exploration 2
- Birds 2
- Birds -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 2
- Birds -- Pictorial works 2
- Mongolia -- Description and travel 2
- Paleontologists -- Correspondence 2
- Photographic Print Collection 2
- Photographic Slide Collection 2
- Scientific expeditions -- Arctic regions 2
- Scientific expeditions -- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) 2
- AMNH Expeditions 1
- Africa 1
- Animals -- Classification 1
- Art, African 1
- Artists 1
- Australia -- Description and travel. 1
- Benin 1
- Birds -- Africa 1
- Birds -- Catalogs and collections 1
- Birds -- Catalogs and collections -- New York (State) -- New York. 1
- Birds -- Exhibitions 1
- Côte d'Ivoire 1
- Dakar (Senegal) 1
- Diaries 1
- Field notes 1
- Film Collection 1
- Fishes -- Anatomy. 1
- Fishes -- Evolution. 1
- Flags 1
- Guinea 1
- Honeyguides. 1
- Ichthyologists -- United States -- Correspondence 1
- Kenya 1
- Kikuyu (African people) 1
- Kivu, Lake (Congo and Rwanda) 1
- Kuba (African people) 1
- Mammals -- Evolution. 1
- Maps 1
- Mongolia -- Discovery and exploration. 1
- Moving Images 1
- Museum construction 1
- Museum curators -- New York (State) -- New York -- Correspondence. 1
- Museum exhibits 1
- Natural history -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
- Natural history museum curators -- Correspondence 1
- Natural history museums -- Employees 1
- Naturalists -- United States -- Correspondence 1
- New Zealand -- Description and travel. 1
- Niger 1
- North America 1
- Ontogeny. 1
- Ornithologists -- Correspondence. 1
- Ornithologists -- United States -- Correspondence 1
- Ornithology -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
- Ornithology -- United States 1
- Paleontologists -- United States -- Correspondence 1
- Paleontology -- Research -- History. 1
- Portraits 1
- Primates -- Evolution. 1
- Pygmies 1
- Pygmies -- Congo (Democratic Republic) 1
- Rwanda 1
- San (African people) 1
- Sao Vicente -- Barlavento -- Cape Verde 1
- Scientific expeditions -- Africa 1
- Scientific expeditions -- Asia 1
- Scientific expeditions -- Australia 1
- Scientific expeditions -- South America 1
- Scientific expeditions -- United States 1
- Sculpture, African 1
- Senegal 1
- South Africa 1
- Transvaal (South Africa) -- Description and travel. 1
- Tutsi (African people) 1
- Vertebrates, Fossil 1
- Voyages and travels 1
- Zoologists -- United States -- Correspondence 1
- Zululand (South Africa) 1 ∧ less
- Names
- American Museum of Natural History 4
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Ornithology 4
- Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 4
- Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960 3
- Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 3
- Crocker, Templeton, 1884-1948 3
- Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935 3
- Templeton Crocker Pacific Expedition (1st : 1934-1935) 3
- American Museum Congo Expedition (1909-1915) 2
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Mammalogy 2
- Bartlett, Bob, 1875-1946 2
- Beebe, William, 1877-1962 2
- Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 2
- Brown, Barnum 2
- Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) 2
- Clark, James L. (James Lippitt), 1883-1969 2
- Correia, José G., 1881-1954 2
- Crocker Land Expedition (1913-1917) 2
- Dodge Brothers 2
- Granger, Walter, 1872-1941 2
- Johnson, Osa, 1894-1953 2
- Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus), 1852-1929 2
- Matthew, William Diller, 1871-1930 2
- Morden, William J. (William James), 1886-1958 2
- Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1887-1973 2
- Nichols, John T. (John Treadwell), 1883-1958 2
- Noble, G. Kingsley (Gladwyn Kingsley), 1894-1940 2
- Peary, Robert E. (Robert Edwin), 1856-1920 2
- Sherwood, George Herbert, 1876-1937 2
- Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 2
- Young, John McKenzie 2
- Adamson, Hans Christian 1
- Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926 1
- Akeley, Mary L. Jobe (Mary Lenore Jobe), 1878-1966 1
- Allen, J. A. (Joel Asaph), 1838-1921 1
- American Association of Museums 1
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Invertebrates 1
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Preparation and Installation 1
- American Museum of Natural History. Department of Vertebrate Paleontology 1
- Archbold, Richard 1
- Asaeda, Toshio 1
- Ascension Island, 1941-1958 1
- Australian Expedition (1st : 1921-1922) 1
- Beals, Jessie Tarbox 1
- Berkey, Charles Peter, 1867-1955 1
- Bickmore, Albert S. (Albert Smith), 1839-1914 1
- Bird, Junius Bouton, 1907-1982 1
- Boyd-Chapin Safari (1956-1957) 1
- Breder, Charles M. (Charles Marcus), 1897-1983 1
- Burden, W. Douglas (William Douglas), 1898-1978 1
- Chapin Field Trip to the Eastern Congo (1953-1958) 1
- Chapin-Edson Congo Expedition (1930-1931) 1
- Chapman, Clark R. 1
- Cockerell, Theodore D. A. (Theodore Dru Alison), 1866-1948 1
- Cook, Harold J. (Harold James), 1887-1962 1
- Davison, Frederick Trubee, 1896-1974 1
- Dean, Bashford, 1867-1928 1
- Department of Anthropology 1
- Department of Exhibition 1
- Department of Ichthyology 1
- Foster, Robert 1
- Frick, Childs, 1883-1965 1
- Galapagos Islands Expedition (1930) 1
- Gilliard, E. Thomas (Ernest Thomas), 1912-1965 1
- Gratacap, L. P. (Louis Pope), 1851-1917 1
- Gregory, William K. (William King), 1876-1970 1
- Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter), 1904-1992 1
- Hayden Planetarium 1
- Heinz 1
- Hellman, Milo, 1872-1947 1
- Henson, Matthew Alexander, 1866-1955 1
- Jaques, Francis Lee, 1887-1969 1
- Klein, Alfred J. 1
- Knight, Charles Robert, 1874-1953 1
- Lang, Herbert, 1879-1957 1
- Lee, Hugh J. 1
- Lerner, Michael, 1890-1978 1
- Lutz, Frank Eugene, 1879-1943 1
- McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney), 1870-1949 1
- McKenna, Malcolm C. 1
- Mearns, Edgar Alexander, 1856-1916 1
- Merriam, C. Hart (Clinton Hart), 1855-1942 1
- Mission Zoologique franco-anglo-américaine à Madagascar (1929-1931) 1
- Mook, Charles Craig, 1887-1966 1
- Morden African Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1947) 1
- Morden African Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1953) 1
- Morris, Frederick K. (Frederick Kuhne), 1886 1
- Nelson, N. C. (Nels Christian), 1875-1964 1
- Nyholm, N. Erik I. 1
- Olsen, George, d. 1939 1
- Parr, Albert Eide, 1900-1991 1
- Patagonian Expedition (1899-1900) 1
- Peary, Josephine Diebitsch, 1863-1955 1
- Pond, Alonzo William, 1894-1986 1
- Pope, Clifford H. (Clifford Hillhouse), 1899-1974 1
- Putnam, George Palmer, 1887-1950 1
- Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 1
- Richardson, Jenness 1
- Rutland (Vermont) Women’s and Men’s Clubs 1 ∧ less