Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
American Museum of Natural History photographic slides of Codices
Lienzo of Coixtlahuaca, 36 slides, copy of curator's report enclosed, titled "Report on the 1899 Copy of the Lienzo of Coixtlahuaca II Curated at the American Museum of Natural History" by Arthur A. Joyce, April 1993. Chavero Codex, August 1994, 20 slides.
Capturing Time: The New York Times Capsule exhibition photographic slides
Views of the temporary exhibition Capturing Time: The New York Times Capsule, held at the American Museum of Natural History, December 4, 1999-March 26, 2000.
Endangered! Exploring a World at Risk exhibition photographs
Views of the temporary exhibition Endangered! Exploring a World at Risk, held at the American Museum of Natural History, March 8-September 1, 1997, Gallery 3. Images of people visiting the exhibition, displays, artifacts, models, and wall text.
Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease exhibition photographic slides
Views of the temporary exhibition, Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease, held at the American Museum of Natural History, February 27-September 6, 1999. Epidemic! Mostly images of the finished exhibition in the gallery as well as preparators building and painting models in the studio.
Hall of Biodiversity photographic slide collection
Photographs of models and exhibitions in the AMNH Hall of Biodiversity, mostly of the Rain Forest diorama. Studio photographs of the individual animals and views of the installation and construction of the diorama. Also includes installation of the giant squid model.
Hall of Biodiversity photographic slides of exhibition displays
Photographs taken in the AMNH Hall of Biodiversity, including the rainforest diorama (modeled on the Dzanga Sangha rainforest in Central African Republic) and Spectrum of Life. Includes close up images of models.