Box 2
Contains 7 Results:
Photographs from Jessup North Pacific Expedition Taken by James Teit, 1901-1903
Contains 4 black and white photos specifically marked from the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, and taken by James Teit. The subjects of Teit’s photographs include two Chilcotin photos for Teit’s monograph, (“Notes on the Chilcotin Indians”, Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History 4 (7): 759-789, 1909), Chiloctin graves, tipis, snowshoes, and a sweathouse. 1901-1903.
Photographs and Postcard of Northwest Coast Indian Artifacts, 1917-1922
Contains 3 black and white photographs of Northwest Coast Indian artifacts, with the note “Alert Bay, B.C., Provincial Museum, B.C.” 1917-1922. Also contains 1 cardstock postcard of a photograph of a whale artifact with the note “Coll. At Kingcome, 1917. Whale, Divided vertically.” on one side, and postage marks on the other.
Photographs of Haida Canoe at AMNH
Contains 2 black and white photographs of the Haida Canoe at AMNH. No Date.
Envelopes With No Photographs Inside
Contains 3 envelopes with no photographs inside, notes in pen appear to list previous contents of one envelope with Kwakiutl photos, and one with Bella Coola photos. No date.
Postcards of Northwest Coast Natives, Costumes, Village Scenes, and Totems in Alert Bay, B.C.
Contains 16 black and white postcards, most have the note “Copyright in Canada by B.W. Leeson.” Subjects of the postcards include Northwest Coast Natives, costumes, village scenes, and totems in Alert Bay, B.C. No date.
Field Photographs of Northwest Coast Peoples and Village Scenes by Photographers: Beals, Bennett, Merrill, Hastings, Maynard, Smith, Newcombe, and Hunt, 1868-1912
Contact Prints from Neg. Series 2A 19339-2A19424 of Fort Rupert and Alert Bay, 1930
Contains 25 contact prints from Neg. Series 2A 19339-2A19424 of Fort Rupert and Alert Bay with the handwritten note “Kwakiutl?, Prob. Fort Rupert. Small villages found by NW Coast material. 1930 (Oct.-Dec.) by F. Boas.” 1930.