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Audubon Gallery



  • Existence: 1913 - present

Historical Note


Permanent exhibition. Opened approximately 1913. Located on Floor 3, Section WC from 1913 to approximately 1939 and on Floor 4, Section 12a from approximately 1943.


The Audubon Gallery at the American Museum of Natural History featured objects relating to the life of John James Audubon, including original sketches and paintings by Audubon and his sons John Woodhouse and Victor, illustrations from the Quadrupeds of North America, copper plates from the Birds of North America, a portrait of Robert Havell, engraver and publisher of Audubon's Birds of America, a gun carried by Audubon on many of his expeditions, and his buckskin hunting coat (1, 1913, p. 76; 1, 1916, p. 83; 1, 1918, p. 83). In 1939, the gallery was located on the landing between the second and third floors while being transferred to a new location. By 1943 it had moved to the fourth floor of the Roosevelt Wing (1, 1939, p. 97; 1, 194,3 p. 88). Most of the objects were donated by Audubon's granddaughters, Maria R. and Florence Audubon. Other objects were donated by M. Eliza Audubon, Dr. Edward H. Rogers, Anna E. Roelker, and Robert Havell Lockwood (1, 1913, p. 76; 1, 1919, p. 86). The gallery appears on the Museum's 2016 Floor Plan, but has been closed to the public as of 2017.


(1) American Museum of Natural History. General Guide to [the Exhibition Halls of] the American Museum of Natural History. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1913-1943.

Information for the hall appears in the following Museum publications:

American Museum of Natural History General Guides for years 1913 (page 76); 1914 (Table of Contents, 84); 1916 (page 90); 1918 (Table of Contents, 83); 1919 (Table of Contents, 86); 1920 (page 860; 1921 (Table of Contents, 86); 1922 (Table of Contents, 86); 1923 (Table of Contents, 86); 1928 (page 78); 1929 (page 78); 1930 (Table of Contents, 78); 1931 (Table of Contents, 97); 1932 (Table of Contents); 1933 (Table of Contents, 99); 1934 (Table of Contents, 100-101); 1935 (Table of Contents, 101-102); 1936 (Table of Contents, 101-102); 1939 (page 85); 1943 (page 19, 88); 1945 (page 19, 88); 1947 (page 19, 88); 1949 (page 19, 88). Terms

Alternative Name Forms

  • Uncontrolled name from AMNH publications (dates of use by year)
    • Audubon Gallery (1939, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1949)
    • Auduboniana (1913, 1914, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1928, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936)
    • Audubon Paintings (1943, 1945, 1947, 1949)

