1913 - 1917
Personnel: Macmillan, Donald B., ethnologist, leader; Hovey, E.O., sci.; Tanquary, Maurice, zoologist and biologist.; Green, Fitzhugh, sci. engineer and physicist; Ekblow, W. E. geologist and botanist, Allen, Jerome, sci.. Hunt, Harrison J., bacteriologist and surgeon
Sponsors: AMNH; American Geographical Society; University of Illinois
Sources: AMNH Ann. Repts.: No. 44 for 1912, PP. 17, 64,No. 45, for 1913, p. 22;, 49; P.C. 2 Authority File; American Museum Journal, March 1912, 83-88, April, p. 150, May 159-163 , Feb. 1913, PP. 55-61, March , p. 148, May, pp. 179-182 and 238, Oct. p. 263-265 ; 1914. May, pp. 209-212, Dec, pp309-310; 1915, Dec, pp. 415-416; 1916, Feb. 135-6, May, pp. 291-294 333, ; 1916: Nov. p. 475 1917 Oct. p. 365, Nov. p. 500; 1918, pp. 161-192; Natural History, XIX, 3, March 1919, pp. 273-291; AMNH Natural History, Feb. 1916,121-123, May 1917, P346, 1924, Nov-Dec pp. 704-9; 1928, Sept.-Oct.pp 463-475
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