Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 135
Australian aborigines
Identifier: Film Collection no. 43
Scope and Contents
This program closely examines Australian aborigines, first through a pantomime by the American Mime Theatre acting out racial migration from Asia, then through discussion and film. Harry L. Shapiro, AMNH anthropologist, discusses the physical anthropology of aborigines and points to their culture as one of the most primitive on earth. He also shows aboriginal weapons and artifacts. The uncredited film footage of central Australian aborigines is narrated by Shapiro. The people are seen in...
Australian fauna ; How to build an igloo
Identifier: Film Collection no. 40
Scope and Contents
SEGMENT 1: Australian Fauna. Armand Denis, noted wildlife photographer and filmmaker and leader of the 1952 New Guinea Expedition for the AMNH, and his wife, Michaela, discuss the origins of the Australian continent and the subsequent evolution of wildlife there. Also shown is an Armand Denis RKO film depicting the Australian bush country, with views of wallaroos, wallabies, and some unusual reptiles. SEGMENT 2: How to Build an Igloo. The second segment presents the film How to Build an...
Identifier: Film Collection no. 111
Scope and Contents
Charles Collingwood examines the world of bees in this segment. Along with live bees brought into the studio, Collingwood walks the viewers through a beehive. Two films, one produced in Russia and one produced by Karl von Frisch after 40 years of research on bees, are shown. Frisch (1886-1982), an Austrian, was a leading authority on animal behavior. Bees are seen foraging for food and dancing to identify food locations. The social structure of the hive and the role of the queen bee are...
Bees (Russian film)
Identifier: Film Collection no. 54
Scope and Contents
This program presents a film produced in the Soviet Union as propaganda celebrating the "hive." Host Charles Collingwood first looks at the film without its soundtrack, as a natural history film, and then comments on its use as a propaganda film. Viewed from a historical perspective, the McCarthy era and Cold War mentality of Americans is evident and provides an interesting angle to the subject at hand. Soviet scientists produced a beautifully photographed film on the life of a bee in a...
Behavior of bees ; The legend of Colonel P.H. Fawcett
Identifier: Film Collection no. 29
Scope and Contents
SEGMENT 1: Behavior of Bees. Bees are examined in the first segment of this program. Theodore C. Schneirla, AMNH entomologist, discusses their behavior, including the dances bees perform which give food location information to other members of the hive. Dances of the Bees, by Wilner Film and Slides, is shown. SEGMENT 2: The Legend of Colonel P. H. Fawcett. The mysterious disappearance in 1925 of Colonel P. H. Fawcett is the next topic of discussion. Fawcett was searching for a lost city in...
Belgian Congo's Hamba tribe
Identifier: Film Collection no. 121
Scope and Contents
The noted anthropologist Luc de Heusch recorded various rites of the Hamba tribe of the Belgian Congo (now Zaire) for this program. Celebration of the Hamba, the English title of de Heusch's film, documents the ritual of the "leopardmen," the initiation of young men into the ranks of the warriors, some festivals, and the ceremony of a native divorce. Body painting, dancing, costumes, music, and feasts are depicted in detail. Harry Tschopik, curator of ethnology at the AMNH, was a consultant...
Big cats
Identifier: Film Collection no. 133
Scope and Contents
Big Cats is the title of this program broadcast live from the Bronx Zoo (i.e. New York Zoological Park). Richard Mandel, the mammal curator at the zoo, is the guest. The program shows viewers how tigers, jaguars and leopards live in captivity. Film footage showing the captures of these big cats augment the discussion. Mountain lions found in the U.S. are seen being captured with the help of dogs. Films provided by the Missouri Conservation Commission and Twentieth Century Fox include an...
Bird brains
Identifier: Film Collection no. 87
Scope and Contents
Robert Cushman Murphy, AMNH ornithologist, is a guest on this program. The topic under discussion is the intelligence of birds and their relative lack of intelligence in relation to other creatures. Demonstrations in the studio include live specimens and models, with a presentation of performing African lovebirds. Murphy argues that, despite claims that species such as talking parrots, parakeets, and mynas are intelligent, most birds rank low in intelligence, usually just above reptiles....
Birds of paradise and spiders (beauty and the beast)
Identifier: Film Collection no. 95
Scope and Contents
SEGMENT 1: Birds of Paradise. Ernest Thomas Gilliard, AMNH curator of birds, joins Charles Collingwood to discuss birds of paradise as examples of beauty. Gilliard led an expedition to New Guinea in 1953-54 to study the birds of paradise, found almost exclusively in New Guinea. Their uses in native costume are shown. A large photographic blow-up of the birds is used as a backdrop for the discussion in the studio. SEGMENT 2: Spiders. Demonstrating the beauty and the beast in nature, this...
Identifier: Film Collection no. 126
Scope and Contents
The setting for this broadcast is a Buddhist temple in Farmingdale, New Jersey, in a community where 160 Tibetan political and religious refugees have settled. Buddhist rituals, customs, and special New Year's day celebrations are observed as the community celebrates its freedom. Filmed studies of Buddhist temples in Asia, statues of Buddha, a boy becoming a Buddhist monk, pilgrims praying, and death and cremation, visually enhance this examination of Buddhism. Geshe Wangyal, professor of...
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Scientific expeditions -- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) 3
- Anthropologists -- New York (State) -- New York 2
- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) -- Description and travel 2
- Natural history museums -- New York (State) -- New York -- Employees 2
- Naturalists -- New York (State) -- New York 2
- Scientific expeditions -- Asia, Central 2
- Scientific expeditions -- Mongolia 2
- Afghanistan -- Antiquities 1
- Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Inuya River Region -- Agriculture 1
- Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Social life and customs 1
- Amahuaca Indians -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region -- Agriculture 1
- Animals -- Australia 1
- Antarctica -- Description and travel 1
- Apatosaurus 1
- Archaeology -- Afghanistan 1
- Astronomical instruments 1
- Bali (Indonesia : Province) -- Social life and customs 1
- Bees -- Behavior 1
- Beijing (China) -- Description and travel 1
- Body marking 1
- Body painting -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region 1
- Body piercing 1
- Chimpanzees -- Behavior 1
- Chimpanzees -- Training 1
- Cinematographers -- Belgium 1
- Common wallaroo -- Australia 1
- Cosmetics 1
- Courtship in animals 1
- Dance -- Indonesia -- Bali (Province) 1
- Dinka (African people) -- Social life and customs 1
- Dinosaurs 1
- Diorama 1
- Djuka people -- Antiquities 1
- Djuka people -- Civilization 1
- Djuka people -- History -- 18th century 1
- Eggs -- Incubation 1
- Elands -- Collection and preservation 1
- Ethnology -- Polynesia 1
- Ethnology -- Sudan 1
- Etna, Mount (Italy) 1
- Excavations (Archaeology) -- Afghanistan 1
- Extinct mammals -- Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) 1
- Fishes -- Reproduction 1
- Fishing -- Great Lakes (North America) 1
- Garden ecology 1
- Gem cutting 1
- Gorilla 1
- Gorilla -- Behavior 1
- Guano 1
- Hairstyles 1
- Harems -- Afghanistan 1
- Harvest festivals -- Peru 1
- Hornbills -- Africa, East 1
- Hunting -- Africa, East 1
- Hunting -- South America 1
- Hurricanes 1
- Igloos 1
- Indian dance -- Southwest, New 1
- Indian textile fabrics -- Peru -- Ucayli River Region 1
- Indian weapons -- Peru -- Ucalyi River Region 1
- Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Rites and ceremonies 1
- Insect pests 1
- Insects 1
- Interplanetary voyages 1
- Inuya River (Peru) 1
- Jaguar -- South America 1
- Jungle animals -- Africa, East 1
- Kamaiurá Indians -- Brazil -- Mato Grosso (State) 1
- Khalkha (Mongolian people) 1
- Korea -- Description and travel 1
- Koreans 1
- Kruger National Park (South Africa) 1
- Lampreys -- Great Lakes (North America) 1
- Lion -- Behavior 1
- Lion -- Folklore 1
- Lion -- Food 1
- Mato Grosso (Brazil : State) -- Description and travel 1
- Meshie (Chimpanzee) 1
- Mongolia -- Antiquities 1
- Mongols -- Dwellings 1
- Moon 1
- Motion picture producers and directors -- Belgium 1
- Natural history -- Asia, Central. 1
- Nature study -- New York (State) -- New York. 1
- Naxi (Chinese people) 1
- Neolithic period -- Mongolia 1
- Nile River -- Description and travel 1
- Ocean travel 1
- Parícutin (Mexico) 1
- Peru -- Social life and customs 1
- Precious stones -- Catalogs and collections -- New York (State) -- New York 1
- Pueblo dance 1
- Rams -- Behavior 1
- Rattlesnakes -- Physiology 1
- Reptiles -- Australia 1
- Satellites 1
- Scientific expeditions -- China 1
- Sea birds -- Peru 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 132
- Undetermined 1
- Names
- Columbia Broadcasting System, inc. 118
- CBS/AMNH Adventure Series (1953-1956) 16
- Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960 6
- Central Asiatic Expeditions Films (1921-1930) 6
- Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) 5
- Shackelford, James B. 5
- Ekholm, Gordon F. (Gordon Frederick), 1909-1987 4
- Forrester, Frank H. 3
- Murphy, Robert Cushman, 1887-1973 3
- RKO Pictures 3
- Bogert, Charles M. (Charles Mitchill), 1908-1992 2
- Chamberlain, Joseph Miles 2
- Coles, Charles, 1917-2013 2
- Denis, Michaela 2
- Shapiro, Harry L. (Harry Lionel), 1902-1990 2
- Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals 1
- Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864-1926 1
- Akeley, Mary L. Jobe (Mary Lenore Jobe), 1878-1966 1
- Akeley-Eastman-Pomeroy African Hall Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1926-1927) 1
- Andrews Whaling Expedition to Japan and Korea of the American Museum of Natural History (1911-1912) 1
- Andrews, Yvette Borup 1
- Anthony, H. E. (Harold Elmer), 1890-1970 1
- Asiatic Zoölogical Expedition (1st : 1916-1917) 1
- Baltimore Zoo (Baltimore, Md.) 1
- Barry, Catherine E. 1
- Bateson, Gregory, 1904-1980 1
- Blakely, Dudley Moore, 1902-1982 1
- Buchsbaum, Ralph Morris, 1907-2002 1
- Carneiro, Robert L. (Robert Leonard), 1927- 1
- Cazier, Mont A. 1
- Christie, Ernest J. 1
- Clark, Eugenie 1
- Clark, James L. (James Lippitt), 1883-1969 1
- Colbert, Edwin H. (Edwin Harris), 1905-2001 1
- Columbia University-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Africa (1929-1931) 1
- DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. 1
- Department of Education 1
- Dole, Gertrude Evelyn, 1915-2001 1
- Dutcher, Irving 1
- E. J. Mauther 1
- Fairservis, Walter Ashlin, 1921-1994 1
- Fawcett, Brian 1
- Fawcett, Percy Harrison, 1867-1925? 1
- Fisher, Clyde, 1878-1949 1
- General Electric Company 1
- Goodwin, George Gilbert 1
- Granger, Myron I. 1
- Hall of Early Mammals 1
- Heller, Edmund, 1875-1939 1
- Heyerdahl, Thor 1
- Hope, John William, 1889-1982 1
- Jansson, Arthur August, 1890-1960 1
- Kahn, Morton C. (Morton Charles), 1896-1959 1
- Leigh, William Robinson, 1866-1955 1
- Lennon, R. E. (Robert E.) 1
- Mason, Brian (Brian Harold), 1917-2009 1
- Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 1
- Myron I. Granger Archaeological Expedition to Peru and Ecuador (1930) 1
- National Film Board of Canada 1
- Nelson, N. C. (Nels Christian), 1875-1964 1
- O'Donnell, Charles Oliver 1
- O'Donnell-Clark African Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1931) 1
- Olsen, George, d. 1939 1
- Olson, Ronald L. (Ronald Leroy), 1895-1979 1
- Orttung, Jane Raven 1
- Pallister, John 1
- Parr, Albert Eide, 1900-1991 1
- Pough, Frederick H. 1
- Pough, Richard H. (Richard Hooper), 1904-2003 1
- Raddatz, Richard 1
- Ralston Purina Company 1
- Raven, Henry Cushier, 1889-1944 1
- Rockwell, Robert H. 1
- Romanoff, Alexis Lawrence, 1892-1980 1
- Schneirla, T. C. (Theodore Christian), 1902-1968 1
- Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946 1
- Siemel, Sasha 1
- Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 1
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1
- Wang, Hao-t'ing 1
- Weyer, Edward Moffat, 1904-1998 1
- Wilner Film and Slides 1
- Woodcraft Indian Trip to the Southwest of the American Museum of Natural History (1927) 1
- Wright, Harry B. 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more