Box 3
Contains 71 Results:
Plans for research work, 1919-1923
Correspondence regarding possible candidates for appointment as Research Associates in Department of Geology.
Treasury Department statistics, 1919
Correspondence from Treasury Department regarding venereal disease control. Includes copy of article about venereal disease conference.
Publications ordered, 1918-1924
Primarily correspondence regarding orders of government publications.
Returning film negatives, 1906, 1913
Correspondence with Walter C. Harris of "The World" newspaper regarding film negatives.
Lantern slides, 1906
Two letters from H. Reid about borrowing lantern slides of earthquakes and volcanoes.
Supposed meteorite, 1906
Correspondence regarding supposed meteorite found by E. A. Page. Includes photographs of "meteorite."
Preparation of geological models, 1906-1914
Correspondence regarding purchase and preparation of geological models. Also includes circulars about geological models for sale and a copy of an article from "Science" journal. Contains "Index to Letters" (1 p.).
Preparation of geological models, 1922-1925
Primarily correspondence regarding preparation of geological models, including estimates and contracts for work to be done. Also includes notes and a hand-colored map.
Preparation of geological models, 1918-1923
Primarily correspondence regarding preparation of geological models, including contracts for work to be done. Also includes maps and photographs.
Preparation of geological models, 1923-1924
Primarily correspondence regarding preparation of geological models, including contracts for work to be done. Also includes notes.