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To the Ends of the Earth: Fossil Discoveries from the American Museum of Natural History (Exhibition)



  • Existence: 1995, approximately - 1995 December 10



Exhibition. Opened approximately 1995 and closed December 10, 1995. Located on Floor 4 in the American Museum of Natural History. To the Ends of the Earth: Fossil Discoveries from the American Museum of Natural History was a small exhibition curated by Richard H. Tedford of the Museum’s Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, which provided a behind-the-scenes look at 15 of the Museum’s fossil-hunting expeditions.


"To the Ends of the Earth: Fossil Discoveries" from the American Museum of Natural History was a small exhibition curated by Richard H. Tedford of the Museum’s Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, which provided a behind-the-scenes look at the Museum’s fossil-hunting expeditions from the 1890s to the present, featuring 15 specific expeditions in geographically arranged sections, such as the Central Asiatic Expeditions (1921-1930) and possibly those led by Richard Tedford, such as the Australian Field Trip, Expedition to the Yushe Basin, andand the Tedford Field Trip to Australia. Many of the fossils obtained during these expeditions were on view in the fourth floor fossils halls (1).

Highlights (1):

*Replicas of paleontologists at work

*Voiceover of a scientist involved in a recent discovery


*Field memorabilia and equipment

*Original excavation maps

*Archival photographs

*A special theater featured rare archival film footage and stills from the 1920s and 1930s

*Maudie, the special adapted Model A Ford with two transmissions, which hauled large fossil bearing rocks up cliffs

This is a condensed summary of the exhibition. For additional information, see Sources and/or Related Resources.


(1) Turner, Patricia C. “To the Ends of the Earth: Exhibit Tracks Museum’s 104-year Search for Fossils.” Star-Ledger (Newark, NJ), December 4, 1995.

