1991 June 14 - 1991 September 22
"Hidden Beauty: Our Vanishing Native Fishes" was a photo exhibition which highlighted the variety, beauty and environmental vulnerability of native freshwater North American fish. The exhibit presented 35 color photographs of imperiled fishes from Canada, Mexico, the United States and the West Indies. Among the fish groups on view were examples of darters, sunfishes, shiners, killifishes, mudminnows, trout, paddlefishes and lampreys. Labels presented the conservation situation and rate of extinction of each group of fishes. The photographs were taken by John Brill, an artist and naturalist. Michael L. Smith was the curator of the exhibition and the then-research scientist in the Museum's Department of Ichthyology. An Arthur Ross Exhibit of the Month, the photographs were on view in the Akeley Gallery of the American Museum of Natural History from June 14 through September 22, 1991.
Individuals and institutions involved in the creation of the exhibition: Michael L. Smith; AMNH Department of Ichthyology.
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